There are lots of beliefs and speculations when it comes to the rapture. Some Christians believe in the pre tribulation rapture (the majority) while some believe in post tribulation rapture. (rapture before persecution and martyrdom) while the other group ( in minority) believe that Christians will be persecuted at the end times by the beast system before the second coming of Christ. We are going to find out which doctrine is correct from the bible. The pre- tribulation rapture is a manmade doctrine and it's not supported by the bible. The bible tells us that in the last days men will not heed to sound doctrines, they would want to be entertained and want to hear what their itching ears wants. (2 Timothy 4:3-4) Today our so called pastors have compromised the word of God for worldly pleasures. They say things that suit them and their members, they tell them "do not worry, you don't need to prepare yourself. Persecution will not come upon you, for you are G...