SHOULD CHRISTIANS CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS? We may be wondering why this topic? Well, we have seen that the season of Christmas celebration is drawing near, and we know that millions of Christians are getting ready to celebrate this feast. We thought it wise to let us all know what this feast is all about and what it entails. This topic is not to raise unnecessary arguments or to stir up anger among us, but rather to warn us about the dangers that surrounds these festivals. I have been warning about Babylon and her false teachings for long now, and many other people too. God has been using Elizabeth Marie to warn people about Babylon and to come out of her practices. Weather we like it or not, as long as keep or celebrate any of her practices we are her daughters and also harlots. Christmas is one of those Babylonian practices that we have been warned against. Last time we talked about the Three Angel's Messages. And we saw that one of them is talking about "B