
Showing posts from October 25, 2020


23 October 2020 This was the dream my 6year old son had about the second coming of Christ. He has been having such dreams ever since he was 4. We have been teaching them about the end times and the second coming of Christ. He has been having other dreams about the endtimes too.. Here is the dream below👇 In his dream he saw me washing some dishes in the kitchen and then the sky turned black...the  ext thing he heard was a trumpet sound and then we ran outside to look at what is happening, he saw the Lord Jesus in the skies, and then in an instance, we flew up to the sky to meet the Lord Jesus Christ.  He said we were taken to heaven, everything was shinning and they took us to so many places showing us beautiful things and beautiful places, he then woke up from his dream. This should be the third or fourth time he is having such dreams. The first one he had was when he was 4years old..he couldn't Express himself very well to describe what he saw. The other one he had, I think when