
Showing posts from September 3, 2021


 *SO MANY WARNINGS*.  By Loveth Nwokeohuru  3 September 2021 They have been serious warnings from the Lord concerning the greatest event of all times: *the second coming of Christ* *Death Flood In Germany and some parts of Europe* Germany and some of Europe have experienced serious flooding that have ravaged these places and about 190 persons died and some weren't found. Germany, Switzerland, and Luxembourg are some of the richest, and most peaceful countries in the world....but see what is happened there. (July 2021) Deadly Earthquake in Haiti. Last month, August 2021 more than a thousand people died from the earthquake in Haiti and and her surroundings. Insurgencies. Last month, August 2021, The Taliban's just o earn the Government of Afghanistan, and they have taken over..the president fled from the country...thousands of people arr trying to leave the place. In their quest of leaving a fallen nation, were killed by ISIS terrorists group. In Niger...