There’s Your Rapture! – Kevin C. 0 There’s Your Rapture! DEC 19, 2019 11:41 AM Given to Kevin C I had a dream in which I was sitting on a stool outside what looked to be a Holding Facility for punishment. I had a stick in my hand and was playing with stuff on the ground in front of me. As I looked up it looked like evening was coming soon and it started to get darker. A group of men and women came and surrounded me and started complaining to me as if I were to blame for their imprisonment. “Why are we in here? Do you know we have lost it all?” “Where is the Rapture man of God?” “We were told there would be a Rapture! Where is it?” And on and on they went. Complaining and yelling at me because of their problems. In the dream I started to become angry inside. It wasn’t my fault no one told them about the Trials and Tests they would go through. I thought the Apostles said it best in the book of Acts 14:22 Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhort...