
Showing posts from May 19, 2020


Posted   on  2020/05/18 11 Message for The Remnant MAY 18, 2020 6:51 PM ASHA B Message received 18/05/2020 You are my child from the foundation of the world, before all came into being you have been my child. You have always been with me. You are a child of the Most High Yah. You have been chosen for such a time as this. You have been set apart from before the foundation of the world, you are my child. You are of a chosen nation. You are a royal priesthood a peculiar person. You have been set aside for such a time as this. Your light has not fully shone in this world, for you have been hidden. But now is the time for my children to shine forth as I intended you to do. My words are in my mouth and has gone forth this day. That my children shall now arise in my power, might and glory, to turn hearts back to me. My children shall shake the nations even kingdoms shall be shaken, by the awesome power of my children. You shall not go alone. I have set ap...