bride must ready herself!! FEB 11, 2020 ELIZABETH MARIE For two mornings in a row, while praying, the LORD impressed on me the URGENCY of getting HIS BRIDE READY!!! ! This is VERY SERIOUS!! The time is growing shorter and shorter ….. time is winding down….. DO NOT DELAY IN GETTING READY! MESSAGE (Received February 10-11, 2020): “Tell MY people to get themselves ready to meet ME. Show them the importance of repentance, confession and MY grace. I will be coming sooner then soon! Put on the garments of righteousness and truth! (“Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready. ” Revelation 19:7) The world cannot go on much longer or it will self destruct and implode! Prepare your hearts to be MY BRIDE. Are you studying MY WORD? Are you looking into its pages and applying it to you life? Are you allowing it to transform your very being? That is ...