My husband had this short but encouraging dream yesterday. He saw that the rapture had taken place and they all flew to heaven in an instance. They were all gathered together and listening to the Lord speaking yo them. He saw many Christian brothers and sisters there. He was shocked when he saw them because he had written them off, because of what they did to him in the time past. He saw many people that he didn't believe that would make it, but they made it. So as they were all rejoicing...he remembered that there is no more pain in heaven and he quickly pinched his skin, but to his greatest surprise he didn't feel anything like pain, he pinched again the same thing. And they all started shouting, " in heaven there is no more pain"! End of dream. To me, this dream is very encouraging. It's a reminder that God's words are true. In heaven there is no more pain, just like the bible said it. This is a word of encouragement to all of us, ...