HOW VERSES ARE MISUNDERSTOOD BY GENTILES: GENTILES & THE SABBATH-(ZION. Gentiles and the Sabbath The question is often asked, “ I’m a gentile, do I have to keep the Sabbath? ” In the spirit of the above mentioned quote, we will pursue the topic of Gentiles and the Sabbath. Here are the main reasons given by the Church for not keeping the Sabbath on the Seventh day of the week. 1. “Let no man judge you concerning keeping of holy days, Sabbaths, new moons or festivals.” 2. Jesus rose from the dead on Sunday, the first day of the week. 3. Today, no one knows which day is the true Sabbath. 4. Early believers met together to break bread on the first day of the week. 5. “Sunday represents the ‘eighth day’ for Christians.” 6. We are no longer under the law, for “Christ was the end of the law”. 7. Yeshua “fulfilled the law”. I will address each of these points as we proceed. The majority of the concepts against Sabbath observance by the church ...