
Showing posts from August 17, 2021


 WE WERE ALL TRANSFORMED! Given To Jasmine Nwokeohuru. My husband shared a very encouraging dream that he had with me, and I thought it wise to also share it with you; because I feel it would also encourage and strengthen your faith. He said he saw that Jesus was about to come, he was able to know this because of the signs in the dream. He saw us looking at the skies in anticipation of his coming.  Then, suddenly he saw his signs in the skies and there was commotion,  screaming and shouting....some were rejoicing... immediately he heard someone say "we will soon be transformed". Immediately that person said that, he saw that he started transforming from head to toe.. He saw me too, I was being transformed too. He said that our bodies were transformed and were shining like lights... Oir bodies were glittering like lights,  immediately,  he heard someone quote this Scripture: "We shall be like him when we see him"  We became shiny as lights in the dream, just...