
Showing posts from January 29, 2021


  The Final Test  May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all. I want to share three dreams with you.. One, the dream I had last year, two and three the ones my sisters had..two of them were given to them last year. These dreams are all linked together.  I will discuss the significance of these dreams and what we are supposed to be doing now. Prophecies and dreams are not just to tickle our ears.. the gifts of the Spirit are there  to edify us and prepare us for the the times ahead and the second coming of Christ..not for just knowledge sake. Now, we are still enjoying the privilege of prophecies, dreams and visions.. We are lucky to have many Christian blogs now(especially those who are preaching the truth) YouTube channels..churches were the true messages are preached: the present truth. A time is coming that all the prophecies, dreams and visions will be fulfilled.  No more shall we be talking about the prophecies..but we ...