21-12-2019 was looking at the sky, it was towards the evening, it's not yet dark but was about getting dark. Then when I looked up i saw these strange bodies in the sky, they weren't very pronounced as if they were hidden under the clouds. But as we continued to look, these bodies started becoming clearer...just like a planet or a moon, they were a couple of them, more than one. We could see them with our naked eyes. These were things that were not seen with the naked eyes now, they could be seen with the naked eye. When I saw these strange signs I quickly knew that it's one of the signs of Jesu's coming and I began to dance and rejoice that Jesus is coming again. Then I started calling other people and showing them, when they finally saw these things in the sky, they were afraid, and began to cry because they weren't ready. They knew that it was the sign of his coming, they cried because they weren't expecting him tha...