
Showing posts from October 4, 2022


 Dream October 1 2022 By Sister Loveth Nwokeohuru I had this dream which i feel is a warning from God concerning the evil agenda of the enemy on the 1st of October 2022. Dream: I saw a woman pregnant with different kinds of young girls putting on skimpy and seductive dresses, they were about to be born, before the dream passed. The bible tells us that the devil is a roaring Lion looking for whom to devour....this shows a serious attack on women morality and  men's spiritual lives would be endangered, because these are not ordinary girls...they have an agenda and that is to cause distractions among men and even bring down the strongest man of God. Please, our christian men should be extra vigillant, pray always, meditate on the word and avoid distractions. Pray for selfcontrol, which is a fruit of the Spirit. If you find it difficult to control yourslef, embark on a delivernace prayer, pray fervently also, and ask God for the Holy Spirit and spirit of sefcontrol. As we drawnear...