
Showing posts from April, 2024

The Battle To Control Your Foods/You Can Not Buy Or Sell

 Greetings my brethren in the Lord,  there is this article my husband called my attention to, that's because I have been talking about it. It's about the West introducing GMO seeds to African farmers. Before you go ahead to read the article, here is the dream I had in 2019, about the Beast and the Western Elites making preparations to take over the world and enforce the Mark of the Beast. In that dream I was asked to go "and buy seeds and start farming". I am posting this message to remind us again that this is what we need now;we need to be independent,  we need to start cultivating our own crops. Remember what happened during Covid? Somepeople were sacked from their jobs, some were not allowed to go into the groccery stores to buy what they needed. Owning your own farm or garden is very important in this world that we are living in today. Here is the dream👇 December 2019 In the dream, I saw that  the beast was preparing seriously to rise to power. The leaders of th