The Final Test

 May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all.

I want to share three dreams with you..

One, the dream I had last year, two and three the ones my sisters had..two of them

were given to them last year.

These dreams are all linked together. 

I will discuss the significance of these dreams and what we are supposed to be doing now.

Prophecies and dreams are not just to tickle our ears.. the gifts of the Spirit are there  to edify us and prepare us for the the times ahead and the second coming of Christ..not for just knowledge sake.

Now, we are still enjoying the privilege of prophecies, dreams and visions..

We are lucky to have many Christian blogs now(especially those who are preaching the truth) YouTube channels..churches were the true messages are preached: the present truth.

A time is coming that all the prophecies, dreams and visions will be fulfilled. 

No more shall we be talking about the prophecies..but we soon shall be living in the times of the prophecies..

Prophecies in the bible will be fulfilled..prophecies given to individuals will be that time it may be come too late..

A time is coming when you and I will no longer be allowed to preach the truth on Social there is still time let us work hard before the night comes when no man can work.

I know that there are lots of confusion out there on whom to believe..many prophecies have failed..but I tell you, God can never fail.

His words are true and endures forever....His true prophecies will surely come to pass..even though they tarry they will surely come to pass. 

Prophecies may fail, but God's word will never fail..He says "heaven and earth will pass away but not a tittle of my worship shall pass away.


I was at a place..some Elders were sitting behind me..they wrote a sermon in form of a script for me and they asked me to stand in front of a podium and preach.

There was an audience sitting in front of me...waiting to hear me.

Then as I wanted to start preaching..I heard the news that Donald Trump had died.

I quickly rushed to the scene...there was confusion..

I was surprised because I had always believed that Donald Trump is the one to persecute Christians (in reality)

So I said to the person standing beside me.. Trump is dead, and he did not fulfill what he was supposed to fulfil..I thought he would be the one to persecute the Christians"?

The person beside me said no.


From that day my perception about Trump changed..Instead of seeing him as an enemy of God's church I started praying for him.

And as I was amazed at the whole thing, that another will still take over..I was called back from my come and continue to preach.

I was scared that maybe when I get there that I must have lost my audience..but surprisingly when I got there they were still there waiting for the message.
So..I asked those Elders to forgive me and then I quickly went to start preaching.

I have heard people saying that Trump is the last president of the U.S and that he will be the one to persecute the Christians..

I was surprised when I was told in that dream that someone else will take over from him and would persecute Christians.

Last year 2020

One of my sisters had a very similar dream to this..she dreamt that it was announced on the television that power has changed hands and that the present Government lost and another Government took over.

When people heard this..they were very happy and jubilating (this happened when Biden won...people were dancing in the streets) so she said to them that "you are here dancing don't you know that this means that the Antichrist system has taken over...this means persecution will soon come".

Shortly after saying that she saw that the military were outside arresting anyone outside..she saw guillotines and a big truck for carrying people somewhere.

Nobody knows when these things will come to pass..nobody is setting any date or time for this. Only God knows.


She entered into an office..the place was like a school..a test had been concluded and the workers there were busy working, marking the script and arranging the files of many people.

So, she came Into this hall and told them that she wanted to see the result of her first and second test.

They told her that she can't see it that it is only one person that can reveal it to her.

She they told her not to worry about those results that they don't really matter because it is not the FINAL TEST

That instead of worrying about the already concluded tests..she should rather go home and PREPARE FOR THE FINAL TEST.

That it is this very FINAL TEST that will determine weather you passed or even if she didn't pass the others it really didn't matter..what matters is this very last test.

So she saw three magnificent chairs decorated with glittering behold. The one in the middle is more magnificent than the other two.

But the chairs looked as if they had branches: kind of connected to each other.

So, she asked them, "Who are those that will sit on these Chairs"?

The workers there told her that the people who will mark the FINAL TEST...

She asked them, "Why are  the Chairs still empty"?

They told her that it's not yet time for them to sit and judge.

That they will take their sit at the end of the FINAL TEST and judge the results..

They told her that it is the one who will sit at the middle that k ows everything..and will call the FINAL RESULT.

So...she left the room reluctantly not happy that she didn't see her other test results weather she passed or not..

Immediately she left the hall, she saw a very handsome tall man..walked up to her and promised to show her all her test script if only she agrees to sleep with him..

But she refused.


The interpretation of the dream was given to her in that dream by someone after she resisted the handsome man:

1. The workers she saw arranging students files and running around doing things..see Angel's of God..who are messengers of God..

2. The Files she saw are our works/deeds that are being recorded by the Angels...

3. The Three Seats she saw and the magnificent one in the middle represents God will judge the whole inhabitants of the world at the time of the end.

4. The FINAL TEST is the test that will come upon the whole world (my own addittion:mark of the beast)

5. Other Tests(my own interpretation; other tests of life, trials and see if we would stand firm)

But those ones are not the final test, so, even if you fail in those have the opportunity to make it up again in the FINAL prove your loyalty to God, that is, if you will be alive up to that time, because as we know it, once anyone dies, his or her probation is ended and there would be no room to repent again, as there is no repentance in the grave. 

6. The handsome man is the devil..and he will be tempting many children of God these days by posing as someone who can help them and bring relieve to their problems..

He would use worldly blessings to tempt them.

Interpretation Of My Own Dream:

Trump died and was inside a coffin....I believe this may represent the death of what Donald Trump stood for...

Death of Christian values that we enjoyed during Trump's tenure.

The Globalists....were troubled with President Trump's administration they wanted him out by all means..being that he is not in support of their NWO.

This is very similar to the dream my other sister had..that power changed hands, another party won the presidency and people were extremely happy...and the new power that came is was an antichrist power.

I also remember the dream someone had..she said that she saw a coffin in the White House covered with the American flag..she also saw the Elephant of the Republican party inside the coffin..

So..when you look at all these revelations...they're like puzzles, when you bring them together then you can understand fully well what message the Lord is trying to pass to us.

Now, my other sister's dream says that we are about to enter into the time of the FINAL TEST.

The FINAL TEST is the time of persecution that is coming upon the world.

No pre tribulation rapture...

The Angels told her to go home and prepare for the time of Test that is coming.

Does that sound like we are going to escape before the great test?

The three Hebrew boys were tested to see if they would bow down and worship the image of the king..

Very soon...Christians would be forced to worship the image of the beast.

Can we see the similarities?

It's a time of separation of the tares from the wheat.

What Are We Supposed To Be Doing Now?

●Praying and studying...storing enough oil for the days of darkness ahead, pray daily for the help of the Holy Spirit. 

●Pray to be able to stand to the end.

●Make your ways right with God..confessing your sins and repenting from them.

●Dying daily to self and material things, because we shall be tested with these things.

●Be involved in aggressive evangelism. We need to warn the people about what is coming....people need to be prepared and ready.

Now is the time to prepare for the FINAL TEST!


Matthew 24:29-30
Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

We can clearly see that the bible says that "after the Tribulation of those days" then shall the Trumpet sound.

1 Peter 6:7
 That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing ofJesus Christ:

Daniel 12:1
And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.

Luke 21:35
And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

Matthew 13:30
Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.


  1. God bless you sister, please can i have your Whtapp number?

    1. Amen. Thank you Mr Samuel for visiting my blog.
      Here is my gmail address you can contact me with it.


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