By Loveth Nwokeohuru 

3 September 2021

They have been serious warnings from the Lord concerning the greatest event of all times: *the second coming of Christ*

*Death Flood In Germany and some parts of Europe*

Germany and some of Europe have experienced serious flooding that have ravaged these places and about 190 persons died and some weren't found.

Germany, Switzerland, and Luxembourg are some of the richest, and most peaceful countries in the world....but see what is happened there. (July 2021)

Deadly Earthquake in Haiti.
Last month, August 2021 more than a thousand people died from the earthquake in Haiti and and her surroundings.

Last month, August 2021, The Taliban's just o earn the Government of Afghanistan, and they have taken over..the president fled from the country...thousands of people arr trying to leave the place.
In their quest of leaving a fallen nation, were killed by ISIS terrorists group.

In Nigeria, The Boko Haram terrorist group and the Fulani herdsmen have killed hundreds of people in Jos, and in other parts of the country.
Thousands of people in the North are unaccounted for.
Many Christians were killed and set ablaze inside their houses, only few escaped to tell the story.
Ma y have lost their family members thousands have become homeless..
And everyday the numbers of the IDPs are rising.

Uncontrollable Wildfires in California.

Dangerous floodings in New York And New Jersey, caused by Hurricane Ida.
Tornadoes that destroyed many buildings in Philadelphia.(September 2021)

These are thesame countries that some Africans and poor countries are running to, hoping to find some peace and safety away form their troubulous countries. These countries are so admired by many people.

But what happened to the temple of Jerusalem in 70 AD?

While the disciples marveled at the beauty of the temple, they admired and cherished the temple so much ....while they were gazing at this magnificent temple, the Lord spoke to them and said, this same temple you see would be destroyed, everything would go down and no stone would be left unturned, but they couldn't comprehend such words.

The Lord gave them a landmark to watch out for: *When they shall see the Roman Army surrounding Jerusalem that means destruction is near and even at the door*
He said to them...when you shall see this, let him that readeth *flee*: Flee from Jerusalem.

This lasted for 3years, from AD 67- AD 70 after that, the Roman's withdrew from Jerusalem, and this was an opportunity for those who believed in the words of Christ: those who were watching out for the signs of *the foretold destruction*
To flee from Jerusalem...
And it was recorded that no single Christian who believed in Jesus Christ died.
In AD 70, the Roman Soldiers came again, this time around killed everything and everyone that came across their path.

Note: there was a first lockdown that lasted for 3 years...(Warning signs)

Then the second lockdown that actually led to famine and death.

*as we draw nearer to the second coming of Jesus Christ*,we would soon realise* that there would be no where to run to except to Christ*

Psalms 91: *He that dwells in the secret of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty*

This is a reminder that no where would be safe these last days, no peace and safety what so ever, contrary to what some people are clamouring for.

Matthew 24:7-8 Says that "ye shall hear of wars and rumors if wars, pestilences, earthquakes and famines in diverse places...but these are just the beginning of sorrows".

The Lord Jesus Christ says..that "when he shall see the fig tree casting off it's leaves, ye shall know that summer is, when he shall see these things happening, know he that He is even at the door.

That is the signs of His second coming.

O! Watchmen! What do you see?
Tell us, what is happening?
Is the daystar now arising?
Are we nearing now the havens?

In every part of the world there is one chaos or the other.

The world is reeling to and fro like a drunkard, and soon, we would see the reasons for all these.

*Meanwhile, the globalists are making good use of these opportunities to spread their false gospel of Climate Change*
Everything happening around d the globe is blamed on Clinate change...

●The building that collapsed in the USA is said to have been due to Climate change.
●The floods ravaging some parts of Europe are also blamed on the climate change..
●The flood that killed some people in Japan some weeks ago was also blamed on Climate change.
● Even the pandemic is blamedd on Climate change.
● The Hurricanes
● The Wildfires.

Soon, they would come up with outrageous solutions that would go against the Commandments of God in other to fight this climate change.

A counterfeit law that goes against the commandments of God.
*Remember, the Saints who would overcome the beast, will exercise patience to the end, they would have the faith of Jesus Christ and they would keep the commandments of God*(Revelation 12:17, 14:12)

Let's brace up...for what is coming.
The more these natural disasters increases, the more the people would clamour for a leader, who would save them from these disasters...and this evil leader would deceive them by making them go against God's laws.
The urge to save the planet would cause many to betray their loved ones..

Watch and pray for we are almost there.
Stand firm on the word of God, no matter what, do not join the world to trample on God's Laws.


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