
 Topic: Responsibility

Bible Texts: Moreover he called for a famine upon the land: he broke the whole staff of bread.
17 *He sent a man before them, even Joseph, who was sold for a servant.
18 *Whose feet they hurt with fetters: he was laid in iron
19 *Until the time that his word came: the word of the LORD tried him*.
20 *The king sent and loosed him; even the ruler of the people, and let him go free*.
21 *
*He made him lord of his house, and ruler of all his substance* (Psalms 105:16-21)

📌*What Is Responsibility*?

*Responsibility refers to an obligation to perform certain functions to achieve certain results*.

If you are responsible for something, *you will be held accountable* for the outcome of what comes from it, as this is your duty.

📌 What Is The Purpose Of Responsibilities?

*It helps increase your efficiency,
  It promotes effectiveness,
  It yields better results,
  it makes one focused

⏺️ *Some Bible Characters That Were Given Responsibilities*
Jonah etc...
These are not all, but we will just touch on these bible characters a little.

Sometimes some responsibilities require testing from God before he will bestow that responsibility on any man or woman.

It was all God's plan that they should sell  Joseph to the Ishmealites who sold him to the Egyptians.

It was all God's plan that the wife of Potiphar should tempt him to prove whether he would stand by the law of God Almighty his creator( thou shall not commit adultery)
(Thou shall not steal)

It was all his plan that he be thrown into prison for what he did not commit.
In all, he did not despise God
God was doing this for the sake of his people,  but he needed a vessel.
Ask yourself, am I that faithful vessel?
Joseph was a faithful vessel which God used to execute his plans for his children. He was faithful in little and God elevated him high above the Egyptians.
He elevated him to the position where he could be of help to his people.

Again, he was tried in other to be in this position, because God knew that a greater Test of forgiveness was coming his way. This is also a command from God to forgive those who have wronged us and to Love those who have hated us.
If Joseph hadn't passed the first test of discipline, not falling into adultery or stealing from his master, would he have been able to fulfil the purpose by which God sent him there?
He would probably not have forgiven them. The natural thing for a carnal man to do in such a situation was to order their arrest or turn them into slaves because they made him a slave and subjected him to shame and suffering...

If it were to be some of us, we would have said, "Oh yes " God has indicated to me...he has allowed me to pay back my enemies.

Joseph did not see it that way, rather he saw it as God's plan of making a way for his people. He understood what his purpose was, and he didn't fail to fulfil it.

What is that purpose that God wants to fulfil through you in these last days? he is asking you not to fail.

David, before he became King of Israel was given the responsibility of taking care of his father's sheep, he was a shepherd boy, and he bore all the characteristics of a good shepherd,  he was caring to his flock, he fed them well, he protected them from wild beasts etc..(1 Samuel 17:34-37)he was further tested with Goliath to see if he would trust in his God who gave him victory over the wild beasts, and he did pass the test. David did not praise himself for the victory won, rather he praised God Almighty.
He showed forgiveness to Saul even when he had the opportunity to kill him, but he did not, rather he spared his life, just like Joseph forgave his brother.

God was preparing him for a greater task which is becoming the king of Israel..
It was all for his people, God wanted a loving man, a humble man, a man who would love him and obey him, not lead his people astray by worshipping other gods..he wanted a man who would be like a shepherd to his people Israel and David indeed loved God and didn't tolerate idol worship in Israel, David took his responsibility seriously and God blessed bis whole generation.
Sometimes, the trials and tribulations we pass through today prepare us for a greater task, count it all joy when you are tested for the trial of your faith produces patience(James 1:2-4)

🎯 Noah

Noah was someone who took his responsibility seriously and because of that 8 people were saved, and the earth was replenished again.

🎯 Jonah
The people of Nineveh were saved because of Jonah.

🎯  Daniel
Through Daniel and his friends a pagan Nation like Babylon came to know about the true God.

Then King Darius wrote: "To all peoples, nations, and languages that dwell in all the earth: Peace be multiplied to you. I make a decree that in every dominion of my kingdom men must tremble and fear before the God of Daniel. For He is the living God, And steadfast forever; His kingdom is the one which shall not be destroyed, And His dominion shall endure to the end".(Daniel 6:25-26)
If we too, take our responsibility seriously many people would be delivered and set free...many will come to the LIGHT.

Ezekiel was a faithful servant, he took his office as a prophet seriously by warning the house of Israel to turn away from their sins not minding that he could be killed.

🎯 Our Lord Jesus Christ
Through his death and resurrection, we are saved. If not that he gave himself to be sacrificed, we all would have no hope of eternal life.
"And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross"
(Philippians 2:8, Romans 5:18)

🎯 What Are Some Responsibilities That God Has Given Us?
The Gift of Influence
Parenting etc...

These are some of the gifts and roles that God has given us and these have become our responsibilities..
We are not to misplace our priorities..some who have the responsibility to sing, intercede, or pastor a church should take it seriously. Many lives depend on your ministry,  we should not take responsibility for granted.
As a pastor do you preach repentance, abstinence from sin, the kingdom of heaven, holiness and righteousness or you are afraid not to lose your members?

•Gift of Influence***
Some people have the opportunity to be in an influential position, such as the boss of a company, women leaders, successful businessmen and women, and even big pastors, God has placed you there for a purpose, use your influence to win a soul for God, because as an influential person, people tend to listen to you than ordinary people.
You may find yourself in an office or school, and use that opportunity to win souls for Christ, you may not preach like Paul but that little tract or book you give to your neighbour or colleague at work may win a soul for God. Don't take any opportunity for granted.

•King Josiah: Josiah was only 8️⃣ when he was made the king of Judah, he used that position to destroy all the idols that were worshipped in Israel.

Meanwhile, Solomon had that same opportunity but allowed his many wives to bring in other gods from their pagan nations to defile the land.

••As an Intercessor, your prayers can save a whole nation if you are consistent.  Daniel was just one man, but the moment he started entreating God on behalf of his nation God answered.
Many lives are saved and will be saved through your prayers, some will come to Christ through your prayers, please do not take it for granted.

••As a singer-songwriter, it is your responsibility to compose soul-lifting songs and songs that would bring people to repentance, not just for commercial purposes like we see Christian singers who have turned superstars and celebrities...that is not your responsibility, many souls are perishing, take that work seriously.

•••As Parents, your children are your responsibility, you are not to neglect them by focusing on your job or business,  you have to strike a balance between work and taking care of your children. Especially today twhenthe world is turning into something else, you should take time to teach them the word of God, so they would guided. (Proverbs 22:7)

I can go on and on...but there is one responsibility that has been given to ALL it is a mandate from Christ himself
*And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature*
This is the great commission and the responsibility of any man or woman here

🎯 What Happens When We Fail in Responsibility?

**Many souls will perish
**The result of disobedience is eternal death
Separation from God like Adam and Eve.
Your gift will be taken away and given to a more serious person

🎯Those Who failed in their Responsibilities

Saul failed
Hezekiah was placed in the position to be influential to the Babylonians when they came to congratulate him on recovering from his illness, instead of him to use that opportunity to tell them about his God, he rather used that opportunity to show off his assets to the Babylon and to elevate himself

🎯 Reasons Why Many Feel Reluctant In Taking Responsibility
Sin is one of the reasons why, people shy away from their responsibility because they feel they're not worthy to do the work.

God is a forgiving God, if we truly come to him in repentance he will forgive our sins...
David sinned against God and was forgiven because he sincerely asked for forgiveness and repented.
Saul sinned against God but instead of persisting like Davi,d he went far away from God because he did not trust God to forgive him.

The same with Judas, instead of repenting he killed himself

While Peter repented and trusted God to forgive him.
Instead of you feeling like "No need to take any responsibility because I am a sinner and God wouldn't work through sinners" why don't you wrestle with God sincerely to forgive you and give you a new name just like he did for Jacob?

He is waiting for you...

Conclusion: We are living in the last days, and a crisis is soon to come upon us...the Time of trouble such as never before...the Test of the mark of the beast. This is not the time to sit as an observer...this is the time to make things right with your maker and become responsible for the work he has given you.

May God bless us as we do his work in Jesus Christ's mighty name. Amen.


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