10-Year Old Saw Stars(Meteors/Fireballs) Falling From The Sky

 Stars(Meteorites) Falling From The Sky.

The Bible says that 

*In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people; your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams*. Acts 2:17, Joel 2:28

My 10-year-old son had a dream on the 14th of May 2024

He said he saw that everywhere was shaking as if there was an earthquake, and then suddenly he looked up to the sky and saw meteorites/Stars falling from the sky like fireballs... wherever they landed, they would burn the place up. The fireballs landed on so many buildings around our house and destroyed everything. 

He said we were afraid In the dream and at the same time a little excited because we knew that the coming of Christ was very imminent. (the stars falling were signs to attest to that)

He said we were all together in the sitting room praying to God to protect us and He did. He said at the end of the meteor falls,  we were all happy, we were jubilating and praising God for sparing our lives.

Honestly,  I don't know what to say rather than to say that God is indeed a "merciful Father".

His dream is so similar to the dreams God gave me between the years 2017-2020.

During these periods, I was always dreaming about meteor falls, many planets in the sky and so many spectacular signs in the skies, just like the Bible says, we shall see signs in the heavens, and in the sun and moon.

I will paste some of those dreams here, if you want to read more about them, please visit my blog and search for "Stars falling from the sky" and moon-like planets. 

I was told in one of the dreams that we are now living in the time of the sixth seal...for those who do not understand Bible prophecies...it's time you start following up because there is no time left, after the sixth seal, you have the seventh seal, and this seventh seal ushers in the seven last plagues(Revelation 16) and the second coming of Christ.

Does anyone know the exact date of his return? No! But we were given signs to know when it is nearing....and I can tell you that those signs are fulfilling, but how will you know when you do not understand Bible prophecies?

You can E-mail me if you want me to send you materials on these things, I would also advise that you start studying your bibles including Bible prophecies like the book of Daniel, Revelation, Isaiah Micah etc...

Also, give your life to Christ if you are yet to do so, start bearing fruits that are worthy of repentance, and ask for the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

We shall make it by His special GRACE!

Here is one of those dreams.👇


    in 2017, I had a dream where I was outside my house talking with some friends,  immediately we saw balls of fire falling from the sky, it was just like when meteorites were falling from the sky.

 As they fell to the ground they burnt wherever they fell on,  they fell on trees and grasses and burnt them up,  they fell on human beings and they will be burnt, It depends on the size that fell.

We all ran inside the house to take refuge,  and I was wondering what was going on,  immediately heard a voice that said "We're in the SIXTH SEAL now" and fear gripped me and I woke up.  Immediately I woke up I went to the bible to check what was in the sixth seal and this was what I found. 

 Revelation 6:12-13 And I beheld when he opened the SIXTH SEAL and Lo there was a great earthquake and the sun became black as sackcloth,  and the moon became as blood.  Verse 13, And the STARS OF HEAVEN FELL UNTO THE EARTH, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs,  when she is shaken as a mighty wind.     

After the sixth seal, is the seventh seal...and that is the last seal.

Friends there is not much time.


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