My sister had this dream last year and she told me about it.

February 2018,  my sister had a dream, and I have had a similar dream too,  just that hers was more detailed.
she had a dream where all the religions of the world, men and women from all over the world gathered together at a place believing in one thing, having one mind.

Many people from different races  they were uncountable. In that dream she saw a very big swimming pool and all the people went inside the pool to be baptized, after the baptism,  when they were coming out of the pool they had marks on their foreheads,she immediately knew that it was the mark of the beast, and when it got to her turn to be baptized she refused to go in.

She said that  if she goes in there she will receive the mark of the beast.   Suddenly, she heard an announcement that the leader of the new religion is here,  that people should stand up to recognize him, when she looked to see who the leader of the new religion was,  behold it was the Pope. So when he came he asked them to go after all those who have refused to be baptized, that  they should imprison or kill them.

 Immediately they started chasing them to kill or imprison them, they were running in that dream,  but they were just few people who refused to receive the mark,  they ran to the extent that they were exhausted and she woke up.

End of dream

Rev. 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him,  those whose names are not written in the book of  of the lamb slain from the very foundation of the world.

Rev. 13:12 And he excerciseth all the powers of the first beast before , and causeth the earth and them who dwell therein to worship the first  wise deadly wound was healed.

Rev. 17:13 These have one mind, and shall give their strength and power to the beast.

Friends, we are beginning to see the fulfilment of this dream today.

The world religious and political leaders are coming together under the guise of peace and unity.
They are beginning to give power to the beast ( first beast) man of sin, lawless one.

Very soon those who believe that Jesus is the only way to the father (John 14:6) will be called extremist.

Those who believe in the  true ten Commandments of God will soon be labeled the cause of all the problems that will befall the world, because they have believed in something different from the belief of the beast system.

In the name of religious tolerance, and thirst for peace this people have said that all the religions can access heaven through different means as long as they believe in God.

But the bible has told us that it is he who believes in his son that will be saved John 3:16

Christ is the only way to God. John 14:6.

This people have neglected the work that Christ came to do on earth.
They have rejected his redeeming blood that washes us from our sins and reunite us back to the father (God) 2 cor 5:15-20 Col 1:20

Christ cannot definitely be out of the picture.

There's no short cut to heaven!


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