Climate change or global warming as it is sometimes called, is the change in weather conditions resulting in the increase of the earth temperature. This is due to the increasing depletion of the earth’s ozone layer caused by gas flaring, bush burning, carbon monoxide emissions, industrial waste chemicals, population growth and human activities amongst others. As a result, the ice-caps at the Antarctic regions of the earth are melting, leading to rising sea levels and record levels flooding. Other effects of this climate change includes heat waves, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions and other extreme weather conditions. In addition, the increase in amount of ultraviolent rays reaching the earth have led to increases in skin cancer, eye cataracts, genetic, immune system damage, etc.

The summary is that we are facing a climate crisis that threatens our very existence and unless urgent drastic measures are taken, we will all be in trouble soon. It is this concerns and the need to avert a collective human disaster that has driven the emergent and fast growing “Green Economy.” By “Green economy” we mean all the activities connected with adopting friendlier environmental practices and sustainable developments.

Examples includes:

*Climate change education, training, public awareness, public participation and access to information
* The gradual replacement of fuel with electricity and natural gas so as to cut down on carbon emissions.
*Adoption of alternative source of energy…Solar, wind, hydro, etc
*Reduction in gas flaring and setting of legal limits for industrial air pollution.

These and many others are contained in the Paris Climate Agreement signed by over 190 countries of the world in 2015 under the framework of the United Nations.


The foremost advocate for climate change is POPE FRANCIS. He has become a moral force mobilising statesmen, presidents, environmentalist, religious leaders, scientist, etc. in adopting measures aim at safeguarding our planets. In his latest encyclical, (A letter from the Pope explaining his teachings) he blamed human greed and selfishness for damaging the planet. He called on richer countries of the world to make changes in lifestyle and energy consumption, in order to avert the unprecedented destruction of the ecosystem.

But behind this concern for the environment, lies a subtle motive of world domination, expressed in this case, in the promulgation of a universal SUNDAY LAW, that will make rest and WORSHIP on SUNDAY COMPULSORY. Earlier this month, while lamenting the slow pace of progress towards combating climate change, the Pope called for the formation of a ‘Supranational’ body that will enforce climate change measures.

The following reasons have been put forward by the papacy and others as the reasons while a UNIVERSAL SUNDAY LAW should be made compulsory.

1. A weekly Sunday Sabbath which will amount to 52 days in a year, will mean abstaining from any economic or commercial activities. This will go a long way in protecting the environment by reducing the pollution that results from such activities.
2. A weekly compulsory Sunday rest day, will promote and enhance family life/values as parents will be able to spend quality time with their families.
3. A Sunday Sabbath will enable man to appreciate the spiritual aspects of life, redirecting his soul away from materialistic pursuits that does not offer peace or happiness.
4. A weekly universal Sabbath rest (Sunday) will restore the dignity of labour by recognising workers’ rights to balance living.
5. A universal enforceable Sunday law will help safeguard our environment , thus promoting a common good for everyone
6. It will meet with divine favour in obedience to God’s commandments that recommends a day of rest for mankind
7. Factor into our DNA is the need for a weekly rest by our Creator. Thus a universal Sunday Sabbath will promote healthy lifestyle

The aforementioned reasons are captured in the following quotations made by leading world figures across diverse sections of human endeavour.

1. (May 2, 2019)Italy’s Populists Want to Close Stores on Sundays. The idea is to give workers time to spend with their kids and go to church.

2. Author, Economist and Religious Scholar, Dr.David Smadja calls for an INTERNATIONAL WEEKLY DAY OF REST to Combat 'climate change' (November 2018)

3. Why Sunday Is the Most Important Day of the Week for Your Wellbeing (June 2018)
"Your business will benefit when you prioritize time for yourself and the important people in your life ... Former emergency-room physician and author Matthew Sleeth explained the importance of taking a day of rest in a recent interview with CNN. 'For almost 2,000 years,' Sleeth said, 'Western culture stopped -- primarily on Sunday -- for about 24 hours ... Sunday is prime social time ... Sunday is the perfect day for self care ... Sunday gives you a jump on planning ... Reclaim Sunday as a day of rest in your 24/7 world.

4. Lawmakers in Poland approve a gradual ban on Sunday shopping after push by Catholic Church and Trade Unions (November 2017)
Poland's parliament has approved a bill that will almost completely phase out Sunday trading by 2020. The law - put forward by the ruling Law and Justice party and backed by unions and the Catholic church — will limit Sunday trade to two Sundays a month from March next year, and then one Sunday a month in 2019. From 2020, stores will only be allowed to open only on seven Sundays a year."

5. Chairman of the German Trade Union Confederation Pushing for Sunday Rest (April 2017)
"The chairman of the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB), Reiner Hoffmann, spoke out for Sunday's rest. The DGB is very close to the churches ... Sunday must remain free of work."
That is a very powerful force, the trade union organizations and the churches working together to bring about the Sunday rest law.,15700023,15700186,15700190,15700253,15700256,15700259&usg=ALkJrhhK1k-JpCaJcpYGJiEvrQb_kWh

6. Pope Francis calls for new ‘supranational’ authorities to enforce UN goals

Content: Ahead of EU elections: what is next for work-free Sunday? Brussels, 18 February 2019
The European Sunday Alliance discussed with Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and electoral candidates the importance of common work-free time and decent working hours. In view of the EU elections, the European Sunday Alliance discussed with Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and electoral candidates the importance of common work-free time and decent working hours.

8. Legal victory for the protection of a work-free Sunday. Frankfurt sales forbidden by courts. The German alliance for a Free Sunday (which includes the ver.di trade union and the Catholic Employees Movement, KAB) has sued the city of Frankfurt, which had approved three Sunday sales. The courts confirmed the view of those in favour of a work-free Sunday and the sales were forbidden.


The book of Revelation tells us that the end time battle between Good and Evil, between CHRIST and SATAN will be on the issue of WORSHIP. (Rev 13:8,12,15, Rev 14:7,9). The reason God alone is deserving of WORSHIP is that He is our CREATOR. (Ps 95:5-6, 100:3, Jer 10:10-11, Rev 4:11) To mark, celebrate or commemorate this fact, the Lord instituted the SABBATH on the seventh day at creation. Thus, while God upholds the Seventh-day SABBATH (SATURDAY) as proof of His CREATORSHIP and hence rightful claim to WORSHIP, the devil, through the beast upholds the opposite – the first day of the week (SUNDAY), a counterfeit Sabbath as the MARK of her authority!

A UNIVERSAL SUNDAY LAW is therefore the MARK of the BEAST, of which the God warns us in the strongest language possible.

Says Rev 14:9-10 “…if anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or in his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation.”

This is a difficult message to preach and I would ordinarily not do so as I have friends, neighbours, colleagues, well-wishers, etc. caught up in this fatal error. I wouldn’t want to offend them. But motivated by a sense of love and urgency, I dare not keep quiet. Rather than be angry at me, we should be angry at the enemy of our soul who seek to destroy us even through the instrumentality of our churches. Such is the craftiness of the devil that he has transform himself appearing to be an “angel of light”, but working with all “deceivableness of unrighteousness.” (2 Cor 11:14, 2 Tim 2:10)

The Roman Church has contributed immensely to education, arts and culture, care for the less privilege many other noble pursuits. There are many in the Church and others too, who are worshipping God on Sunday out of the sincerity of their hearts and according to the limit of their knowledge. The Lord answers their prayers, accepts their worship and calls them “my people”. And because they are His, they will listen to His voice and come out of this false worship. “Come out of her my people” is the loving cry of the Lord before it is too late…that you partake not in her plagues and certain destruction, for the time has come when they that worship the Lord MUST worship Him “in SPIRIT and in TRUTH. “ (John 4:24)

Let me at this point say that none has received the mark of the beast. However, when the universal Sunday law is passed, howsoever shall obey the law, will receive the mark of the beast.

We need not fear, for the Lord is able to save to the uttermost all who called on Him. “Lo, I am with you even to the end of time, says the Lord. “And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death” Rev 12:11

I invite you friends to take your stand with the Lamb. Work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Ask God for the power of the Holy Spirit so that His character can be reproduced in our lives, and the righteous requirements of his law, shall be fulfil in our lives, because we walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.

It is my earnest prayer that by God’s grace, you and your family shall be numbered among the saved that will gain the victory of the beast and her mark. “The saints who keep the commandment of God and have the faith of Jesus.” Rev 14:12


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