I see the coming together of Church / religion and state in some countries.

And we know what will happen when this happens.
No more freedom!

It is for the same reason that the Roman Catholic church killed so many people during the dark ages, because the church and state were together then.

This same thing is taking form now in Japan, and her Citizens are complaining, because they  know what it entails to have religion/ church  and state together.

"but critics say it compromises Japan's separation of religion and state".
"Under Japan's constitution, the state must refrain from religious activity and cannot fund religious institutions". 

Laws will be enforced, that would go against the faith of others.

The Prime Minister of India was right after all, when he said that the sun was worshipped across the globe for over thousands of years, and many still worship the sun today, (knowingly or unknowingly) in his meeting with the French Prime Minister, at the first conference of the International Solar Alliance.( ISA)

"Speaking at the conference, which India co-hosted with France, the Prime Minister also referred to the Vedas. “For millions of years, the sun has been giving light and life to the world. From Japan to Peru, France to Rome, Egypt and the eastern civilization –the sun has been given utmost importance,” he said.
But in Indian viewpoint, for thousands of years, the sun has been the unparalled centre. In India, the vedas for thousands of years, have considered the sun the soul of the world. In India, the sun is considered the nourisher. Now that we are looking for a way to deal with the challenge of climate change, we have to look back at ancient view of balance and perspective,” he added.
Can we see their strategy that they want to use to get us into worshipping the Sun? under the disguise of

Climate change

Green new deal

sustainable and greener future.

On the other hand, pope Francis has been promoting Sunday observance as one of the solutions ( the cheapest solution) to combat climate change.

In his encyclical Laudato Si, he wrote,

"On Sunday, our participation in the
Eucharist has special importance. Sunday, like
the Jewish Sabbath, is meant to be a day which
heals our relationships with God, with ourselves,
with others and with the world. Sunday is the day
of the Resurrection, the “first day” of the new
creation, whose first fruits are the Lord’s risen
humanity, the pledge of the final transfiguration
of all created reality. It also proclaims “man’s
eternal rest in God”.168 In this way, Christian
spirituality incorporates the value of relaxation
and festivity. We tend to demean contemplative
rest as something unproductive and unnecessary,
but this is to do away with the very thing which
is most important about work: its meaning. We On Sunday, our participation in the
Eucharist has special importance. Sunday, like
the Jewish Sabbath, is meant to be a day which
heals our relationships with God, with ourselves,
with others and with the world. Sunday is the day
of the Resurrection, the “first day” of the new
creation, whose first fruits are the Lord’s risen
humanity, the pledge of the final transfiguration
of all created reality. It also proclaims “man’s
eternal rest in God”.168 In this way, Christian
spirituality incorporates the value of relaxation
and festivity. We tend to demean contemplative
rest as something unproductive and unnecessary,
but this is to do away with the very thing which
is most important about work: its meaning. We are called to include in our work a dimension of
receptivity and gratuity, which is quite different
from mere inactivity. Rather, it is another way of
working, which forms part of our very essence.
It protects human action from becoming empty
activism; it also prevents that unfettered greed
and sense of isolation which make us seek personal gain to the detriment of all else. The law of
weekly rest forbade work on the seventh day, “so
that your ox and your donkey may have rest, and
the son of your maidservant, and the stranger,
may be refreshed” (Ex 23:12). Rest opens our
eyes to the larger picture and gives us renewed
sensitivity to the rights of others. And so the day
of rest, centred on the Eucharist, sheds it light
on the whole week, and motivates us to greater" Laudato Si, pages 172 and 173, paragraph 237.

But the problem here is that the true Sabbath is not Sunday but Friday Sundown to Saturday Sundown.

He even admits that the true  seventh day Sabbath is the Jewish Sabbath (Saturday) not Sunday which is the first day of the week.

See how they're all promoting the Sun god, Directly or indirectly?

Let's go back to Swaraj's statement about the Sun.

"Swaraj used five Sanskrit names for the “Sun God” while speaking of India’s push for solar energy. “I would like to bow before the Sun God and address him by five different names in Sanskrit, ‘Om Suriyaya namaha, om Adityaya Namaha, om Dinkaraya namaha, om Divakaraya namaha, om Bhaskarya namaha’…this means *Oh Sun God, we bow before you, you illuminate the external and the internal world and you are the best to be adored and worshipped. May you bless us…, she said, with folded hands*

Can we see what happened here?
He just worshipped the Sun god, and this is the Prime Minister of India, and he was right there with Macron, the French Prime Minister.

This is it, this is their secret agenda about their so called climate change, to get the masses worship the Sun god.

Full article


Now we also see that the Prime Minister of Japan is also linked to Sun worship.

Full article


The UN green Sabbath.


The European Union Sunday Alliance


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