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"Burying the Child" by Lilian Lucy

Famine Next Year

AUG 15, 2019, 8:08 PM
I am talking to a poor farmer telling him there is going to be Famine next year.
The farmer is telling me back, he doesn’t have food for this year. I asked him to give me the names of the community elders/leaders so that I can summon them and warn them that they need to prepare for next year famine.
The farmer is pressing that they need help and expect help from the government. I am not sure and comfortable about the government. Busy looking for writing paper to register the names he is going to give me, with an urgency in me to warn the people, I am thinking of what to tell them.
The Lord gave me the knowledge and the understanding that there is going to be famine next year. I felt “I am Joseph” in the time of the Pharaoh of Egypt. I felt the burden of responsibility taking care of the people. I strongly felt, it is about the life of people, not money and was given an understanding that I needed to be careful looking the work of this responsibility in the future.
I am asking the names of the community leaders but the farmer is ready to give me the names of all the community leaders beyond the boundary of the state. I felt and asked in my thought “the names of the big city too?” thinking of the Capital city of the “country” I had in mind.
Scrambling for paper I woke up and urged to write this right after I saw it. There is no understanding as to how the famine comes to be, but a strong urgency to warn. It looks so real, my dream is like it is here-real.
Take what you hear and read to the Lord for the truth.
Lord have mercy.
Amos 3:7 King James Version (KJV)
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.
Ezekiel 33:6 King James Version (KJV)
But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if
the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood
will I require at the watchman’s hand.


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