I Am Waiting Says The Lord

April 13, 2020 2:09 AM
Veronica Cuello Mazzillo
Message given from The Holy Spirit on the 10th of April 2020.
I Am Waiting Says The Lord
“Since this quarantine started, I Am Waiting. What I’m Waiting for? I’m waiting for my people to repent. Of what? You ask. I Have to Tell you once again because My Holy Spirit Has Told You and you do not want to hear Him.
You think that my presence is still in your temples, yes, your temples because my Glory have Abandoned them along time ago. How long ago? Since I Said in my Word that the apostasy was here and you decided not to preach against it, but to you join it.
Now listen well, if you say that my blood Has washed your sins, if you say you are a new born christian and you say you love me and that I Am yours and that you are Mine, listen well:
To all pastors that command the churches, because you command the church not Me and this is the first sin that you have to repent for.
Pastors since the quarantine started I’ve Been waiting that you repent of your freemasonry, that you cry, because you have known the depths of satan and you are taking with you my sons the ones that I have washed with my blood directly to hell. I Am Waiting, I Haven’t Heard it yet. I have Been Waiting day and night I Do not Sleep but I Haven’t heard it. I Am Waiting for you to make a vow unto Me and that you repent of your falsity.
I Am Waiting that the false women pastors abandoned pulpits and give the pulpits to men. You have said in your heart:” Men are not able to take the pulpits”. Well neither you have been able to have it, cause you have tollerate Jezebel and have fallen in omosexuality sin, you have blessed what is an abomination for me. I Am Waiting for you to repent of taking my rainbow, yes is My rainbow, sign of the covenant I Made to Noah and every living creature, and you have taken to promote what is an abomination for me.
I Am Waiting for repentance, but the only thing I Have Heard is about convocations, chains of prayers, prayers for who? Pray for you that when I Will Return you may have confidence and you won’t be ashame before me.
I Am Waiting church that you open Revelations chapters one, two and three repent of all the sins written in the message to the churches and become as the Philadelphia church.
I Am Waiting that you repent for your love for this world, for your love to paganism. I Am Waiting that you enter in your secret room and let Me wash you of all your sins, and I want anguish, crying, gnash your teeth now because then it will be too late. I Am Waiting for you to repent and ask your kids to forgive you cause you have taught them tradition and My Word is not written in their hearts.
I Am Waiting for you to repent, I am waiting for you to repent.
Priests for you there is no more time I Have Given to you too many opportinities and time, and you don’t want to repent. Not even with 7 quarantines you will want to repent. The falling of Babylon is near.
My grace and My forgiveness is still current, come to Me and I Will Wash your sins, but I Want to See fruits of repentance.I Want to Hear ministers, pastors and all My body to ask Me for forgiveness.
Maybe I Should wait any longer? I Will wait I’m a merciful and patient God. But the time to repentance is now, not tomorrow I want the masks to fall. Anguish and asking for forgiveness I Want to Hear.
Strong words? Now listen well my children: To him that overcometh I Will Give to eat of the tree of life, Be faithful unto death and I will Give you a crown of life. You will not be hurt with the second death. To him that overcometh I Will Give him to eat of the hidden manna and Give him a white stone and a new name written in the white stone. To him that overcometh I Will Give power over the nations and shall rule with a rod of iron, I Will Give you the Morning Star. To him that overcometh I shall be clothed with in white raiment, I Will not Blot out his name of The Book of Life and I Will Confess his name Before My Father and before His angels. Become as the church if Philadelphia and I Will keep you from the hour of temptation that will shall come upon all the world. I Will Make you a pillar in the Temple of My God. To him that shall overcometh I Will Grant to sit with Me in My Throne. I know you can overcome this world, because I Have already Overcame this world”. He that hath an ear, let him hear what The Spirit Says unto the churches.
I Am Waiting Says The Lord”.
This was the message. I hope I wrote it well cause english is not my mother language. Blessings to you and JesusChrist helps us in all these trials. His Word is true. And the time is near very near. My church is Ministero Uno in Cristo ( Vicenza, Italy). Pray for me I’ve been loosing my strengh but I know that getting onmy knees will make My JesusChrist to Give me more strengh. The Lord have put in my heart to pray with The Revelation book open and ask Him to help us with all the things that are coming. Example: Lord help us that the yellow horse doesn’ affect us, pray for the days od darkness to have strengh for those days too. Well brother or sister, Blessings from Italy.
Veronica Cuello Mazzillo.


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