Daughters of Jerusalem

JUNE 22, 2020

– June 12. 2020
My dearest ones! Seek My face while I’m still to be found! Do not look around anxiously, for I am your God.
If the the sea and waves are roaring, don’t be scared, because everything that is written must come to pass before I return.
Seek what’s up there, and don’t be too busy with worldly pursuits. I have no pleasure in today’s system, and this world is going to turn completely against my true believers on earth. Anyone who refuses to bow down to Baal and the gods and shrines of this world will be pushed out into outer darkness. They say, “There is no room for intolerance in the New World Order”, but have I ever tolerated sin?
The leaders of this world have turned away from the truth and are promoting lies, and they will persecute anyone who refuses to bow to their agenda and moral standards.
The first Christians who refused to bow down to Caesar were thrown to the lions. You will be hated by all for My name’s sake, as it is written in My Word. –Matthew 24:8-10
Are you ready to suffer for Me? Are you ready to give up your privileges tand stand for the truth, or do you want to compromise so as not to be ostracized?
Are you ready to give up your church in order to avoid compromise, or do you want to bend, to still be part of the “society”?
Soon the moment has come, when it’s time to draw a line in the sand, and say this far, but not an inch longer! Then it will say: Let the one who does wrong continue to do wrong; let the vile person continue to be vile; let the one who does right continue to do right; and let the holy person continue to be holy.” – Revelations 22:11
Come to Me now, my dear, and do not be deceived! If you cannot see the signs of the times we are in, you are both blind, deaf and naked, and will be subject to much suffering.
I promised to protect those who are in Me, and then I swill stay in Him, and you are protected by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony, but if your testimony is mixed with fear of reprisals, you will not be standing on the Day of Judgment. Have I not said that those who are ashamed of Me, will I be ashamed of too, and those who deny My name to men, will I deny to My Father in Heaven?
Again, don’t be fooled! The whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one, and it will pull My people under with them, as I bring My judgment upon the world, but do not be fooled! Trust in God and trust in Me! He who endures to the end shall be saved! – Matthew 24:8-10
“Then comfort each other with these words …” – 1 Tessalonians 4:18
And do not fail your own assembly and as much as you see the day approaching …
I will come again soon to get My bride, but you must prepare your hearts for suffering and sacrifice before I come. You know how they treated me, the green tree – how do you think they will treat you? – Luke 23:28-31
“Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”  Luke 21:28

Your Brother and Master – Jesus Christ


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