Dream given to my Husband
07 June 2020

My Mom came to visit us, and was warning us to prepare that second coming of Christ is at hand, my husband said yes, we know and we're preparing.

Mom said she knows, but we should take it more seriously that his coming is very very close..

My husband said, ok..he is coming he wants to go and use the rest room.

As he was in the rest room, he heard a very loud trumpet sound.

And he looked out from the window, and saw the sky opening and beings were coming from the opening to earth.

He started shouting, "it's happening's happening o I hope we're saved".

My Sister had almost  the same dream that same night.

She saw that the whole world was shaking, earthquakes and the rest, then she saw, big snakes, under the sea.

Then she asked somebody in the dream, that what is happening, why is everywhere shaking?

They answered her that it means the second coming of Christ is very close, that's why she is seeing all those changes occurring (natural disasters etc..)

Then she asked, what's the connection between those snakes and the second coming?

They told her that they are waiting for the time to bring chaos upon the earth.

So, those snakes symbolize Satan and his demons unleashing their Their anger upon the earth..through using human agent the beast and the Antichrist
They're to bring troubles and persecutions and torments upon the people of the world.

That same night I dreamt about many moon like objects in the sky..which I have been told that they signify the second coming of Christ.

Luke 21:27

And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.

 1 Corinthians 15:52

 a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.


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