18.And, behold, men brought in a bed a man which was taken with a palsy: and they sought means to bring him in, and to lay him before him.
19 And when they could not find by what way they might bring him in because of the multitude, they went upon the housetop, and let him down through the tiling with his couch into the midst before Jesus.
20 And when he saw their faith, he said unto him, *Man, thy sins are forgiven thee*.


condition that markedly *restricts a person's ability to function physically, mentally, or socially*.
mental or physical *disadvantage*, such as *blindness or a missing leg*, is a handicap: something that *disables* you in some way.

It's a condition that *limits* a person from doing what he wants to do, or attaining the heights or positions he wants in life.

a circumstance that makes *progress or success difficult*.

Amputation simply means to cut off.

And we know when something is cut off, then that person can no longer do some certain things..

It means the person has limitations in life.

A paralytic man who was in that Condition for many years was brought to Jesus as his final resort for healing.

And Jesus told him " Man, thy sins are forgiven thee"

And immediately he was made whole.

Today, we may be *Spiritually amputated or handicapped* in one way or the other, but the Lord is willing to restore us back to our original form, just like he restored the lame man.

*What is that original form*?

The bible says that God made us in his own image and likeness, isn't it?

In his image and likeness both in character

God is perfect, so is everything he made.

We must come back to our original status, we must come back to his image in order for us to function well.

Sometimes people argue that the Bible discriminates against disabled people.
 Frequently they will cite verses such as

 Leviticus 21:16-23
"And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 'Speak to *Aaron*, saying, None of your offspring throughout their generations who has a *blemish* may approach to offer the bread of his God. For no one who has a blemish shall draw near, a *man blind or lame, or one who has a mutilated face or a limb too long, or a man who has an injured foot or an injured hand, or a hunchback or a dwarf or a man with a defect in his sight or an itching disease or scabs or crushed testicles*. No man of the offspring of *Aaron the priest* who *has a blemish* shall come near to offer the Lord's food offerings; since he has a blemish, he shall not come near to offer the bread of his God. He … shall not go *through the veil or approach the altar*, because he has a blemish, that he may not profane my sanctuaries, for I am the Lord who *sanctifies* them.'

This passage raises two questions. Firstly, is it true that the Bible discriminates against disabled people?

And secondly (since I will argue that it is not true), how does the Bible portray disabled people, especially in regards to the Holy things of God?
First of all, we must deal with the passage above. It's there in the Bible and we can't avoid it. But it has to be taken in the context of the rest of Scripture. Could the God who also said "You shall not curse the deaf or put a stumbling block before the blind, but you shall fear your God: I am the Lord." (Leviticus 19:14) really have meant that disabled people were inferior to others and unworthy to offer worship?

Could it be that what we see as a disability God sees otherwise?

The descriptions of the tabernacle and the worship that was to take place there are full of symbolism. Many of the details have been shown to have a meaning that points towards the coming ministry of Jesus, the Messiah. And so this instruction about temple worship is not a declaration of the inferiority of people with impairments; rather *it is symbolic both of the perfection that God deserves from us – no half measures in our worship of Him and also of the perfect, unblemished sacrifice that Christ was to offer in His death on the cross*.

*This also reveals God's true nature, he is Holy, he is perfect*.

*The Nature Of The Priests*

If we notice something from the above scripture ( Leviticus 21:16), the priests were to come from a particular tribe( Levites)
And from a particular Lineage: Aaron.

That means naturally, it was their Right to partake in that Priesthood right?
But because of their conditions (disabilities)some of them were denied of that opportunity to minister. ( we will come back to this later)

Like I was saying before, they had that *right* as a priest by *Birth* but something happened.

*Christians Now A Holy Priesthood*
Just like God selected the Priest and sanctified them, set them apart for a Holy use, without blemish, or any impairment; so God has chosen us as Christians today to be a Holy Priesthood unto him.

1 Peter 2:5
Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an *holy priesthood*, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. ( 1 Peter 2:9-12)

From the bible passage above we see:👇🏼
1. Lively stones/a spiritual house= This is referring to the earthly Sanctuary/temple.
Symbolically, we are now the temple of God, where God dwells.

Remember God told Moses to build him an earthly Sanctuary where he would dwell? Now, Peter is telling us that we're now that temple.

*Do you not know that your body is the temple of God*? ( 1 Corinthians 6:19)

2. To offer up Spiritual👇🏼 Sacrifices accepted to God= We as Christians( now Priests)  are no longer required to offer burnt sacrifices on the earthly alter but
We are chosen to offer  up our bodies as a living sacrifice Holy and acceptable to him.
We are to offer praises to him.( Romans 12:1)

*Now The People Of God*
1 Peter 2:9-12
"*But you are a chosen people, a *royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession*, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

10 Once you were not a people, *but now you are the people of God*; once you had not received mercy, but now *you have received mercy*.

Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain *from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul*.

12 Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.

It was the literal Israel of old that God chose, they were chosen so that through them, the gentiles would come to see God's light.

Out from this chosen nation( Israel) came the Levites, and out of them came the Priests.
Who served God in his Holy and Most Holy places.

But glory be to God as Christ the Redeemer of the world came and died he also died for our sins, and we have been reconciled to God through his death, we are now heirs to the kingdom.

Before, we were his enemy, but now we have become his friends.
And the veil of the temple has been torn from bottom to up for us, that all may go in now.

So, we all are now Priests, a Holy nation, a chosen generation unto our God.
 *Made In His Image And Likeness*

See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called Sons of God; and so we are. (1 John 3:1)

Just as humans are created in love, they in turn are to rule the world in love, God gave us the authority, to have dominion and posses our possession.

*Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.*' (Genesis 1:26)

But as we all know, something happened and man lost that position, because of sin, disobedience,  man was amputated

But Christ came to restore all things back to us. Now, we are,  A Holy Priests and a Holy nation unto him, no more  only the tribe of Levite's..
Even after Christ came to restore us back, some of us are still handicapped, we are still amputated in one way or the other.
We as Christians are been called out from darkness (world)  to his marvelous light, to show forth his praises.

*God's Character*
They're some attributes that we share with God.

God is Holy, and he also wants us to be Holy.
He is perfect and also wants us to be perfect.
( Matthew 5:48, Leviticus 21:8, 1 Peter 1:15-16)
He is love, patient, humble, kind, good, merciful, faithful.
Authority, power. Etc..

What does this mean?
Simple! God wants us to reflect his character here on earth.

 Jesus is the true source of light. The Sun of righteousness( Malachi 4:2)

The Sun does not have any business with darkness, it is associated with day light.
So we Christians are to reflect God's light in this dark world, just like the moon reflects the light of the sun at night.

God wants us to represent his true character here on earth, we are to be the light, as the sons and daughters of light.

So just like the Priests who were supposed to be Holy and perfect before God without any disabilities, so we too ought to be, since we are now a royal priesthood.

*The Fruits of the Holy Spirit, is God's nature/Character being manifested in us as his children*

When we posses the Spirit of God we reflect these character here on earth, thereby shinning our light in this dark world.
A light is not supposed to be hidden in a bushel, a light is supposed to shine, so that people can benefit from that light.
We can show people the right path to follow through our light, we can keep people warm through our light.
People are suffering today, Christianity has become a joke, a total joke.
Sometimes when walking on the streets I see people who are being tormented with demons( mad men and women)
I see people who are possessed and needs deliverance from a curse.
I see the lame on the streets, I see the blinds etc..
Yet it is difficult to hear that one man of God or woman came and God used them to heal or deliver these people.
Christianity is a religion of power and authority.
Where is the power?
Where is that authority that God has given to us to posses and dominate?
It's high time we arose to regain our authority, it is high time we repaired every amputated part of our body so that we can function fully well.
What did Jesus do while on earth, what did the disciples do?
Why can't we do the same?
Why can't the other religions or the pagans run to a Christian church or a Christian for help?  just like even the unbelievers and pagans came to the disciples for help.
The reverse is the case today, it is we that are travelling to India, to shrines to receive power to function.
Ha!! Father have mercy
Heal us oh Lord! So that we can function to the fullest.

Also, just like it was the right of the Levites, to become priest and minister before God, so it is now our right as Christians ( Sons and daughters of God) to enter into the most Holy place and minister.

It is our right as Christians to possess the authority and power that the Lord has bestowed upon all those who believe in him.

* As many as receive Jesus, they he gave the power to become the Sons of God*

But it does not end there.
Remember just like some people were denied the right of being partakers of the priesthood in the Old Testament because of their  *disabilities*( limitations) even though they had the right by birth.

So also are many Christians denied that access to grow Spiritually and go higher in the things of God, because of their Handicaps ( disabilities, sins.)

* Disadvantages of being Spiritually Amputated/Handicapped.
1. *Limitations on your Spiritual growth*.
2. *Cannot exercise the power and authority that the Lord has bestowed upon us.
3. *Can lead to Spiritual death, even Physical death. Etc...

For eg if we had wanted to work as a military personnel, and you are handicapped or amputated, then you can not be taken into the military, because, you are not fit  for the job, because of your conditions, you are short of their qualifications. They can't accept someone with only one eye or one leg.
We have heard a lot of people say, I want to walk in the Spirit, I want to go to the higher ground, I want to attain that Sonship level. Etc..

But what is stopping us from attaining these?
Spiritual disabilities.(known and unknown sins, or weaknesses) We have been amputated in one way or the other.
Just like you cannot gain acess to some offices with your physical disabilities, so you cannot also get to that Spiritual level you desire so much.

2. Exercising of God's power and Authority.

Christianity as I read in my Bible is a religion of power and signs and wonders, a religion of Love.

What is the problem today? Why are we not seeing that today in Christendom?
Or has things changed?

The bible tells us that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forevermore..

The Apostles did all manner of miracles, to the extent that Peter's shadow healed some people.

The Lord has given us the authority to trample upon scorpions and serpents, and they shall by no means hurt us.

He has given us the power to heal the sick, raise the dead, and he said ( Matthew 10:8)

All things are possible to those who believe ( mark 9:23)

He doesn't change( Malachi 3:6)
Why are such manifestations not rampant today?
Because we have been Spiritually Handicapped in one way or the other.

3. * It can lead to death.

Some years ago, my aunt was amputated due to Diabetes, and later because of that she couldn't survive it and she died later.

So amputation which requires serious treatment, if not well, treated, and taken care of may become infected and cause the life of that person.

So is the Spiritual amputation, when we don't treat that amputated area or try to replace or rectify it, it can cause the Spiritual death of a Christian, because through that injury germs can spread all over and cause death.
If we don't treat or rectify a sin, a loophole, in our lives, then other sins can gain access through that part and cause the death of that Christian.

We have to identify our amputated part and treat them if not, it may cause our Spiritual death.
*Some Of The Handicaps In Our Lives*

1. Lack of Love
2. Sins of the heart
3. Faithlessness
4.  Failure to Identify the call and purpose of God in our lives.
5.  Lack of Building confidence and boldness.
6. Prayer less lifestyle
7.  Not Studying the word

*Note: these are not all, we can ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to us where we  may have been amputated*

The bible tells is in the book of 1 Corinthians 13, that the best gift is Love.
Love doesn't hate, love forgives, Love is kind, Love is Long suffering, Love is Obedient etc..

When we have Love, then we can say that we have the Character of God, because God is Love.

*The bible says, anyone who doesn't  have Love is not a Child of God*.

*On these hang the Laws and the Prophets*
Love for God
Love for man
Everything about the bible is centered on Love.

When we have Love then we can Obey God, because we love him, and we should be able to do anything for him.

Because of his Love we can decide to die to self, take up our cross and follow him.
Remember he loves us, and all we owe him is to love him back and do his will.

2. *Sins of the heart*
Lust of the flesh, pride, greediness, envy, malice, gossip, unforgiveness. Etc...

Pride is one of the most dangerous weapons that the Devil uses to bring down great men of God.

It was pride that made Satan behave the way he did in heaven.

Most men of God, who are being used powerfully by God, allow pride to get Into  them, and they start thinking that they have arrived, they do not take correction from anybody, you dare not rebuke them.
To them, "you have not gotten to the level that I am in, therefore you don't have the right to talk to me".
They become too over confident in themselves.. To the extent that they even argue with the Spirit of God, or ignore his promptings..

This is the major problem we have. "I have arrived syndrome", over confidence. Forgetting that we know nothing, and we can't do anything on our own, without the Holy Spirit leading and directing us.

All we have and the level we have attained in life is not by power nor might. That we should boast.

The bible says * Pride comes before a fall*

1 Corinthians 10:12
* Let he that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he falls*

Pride leads to disobedience.
The moment we stop listening to the voice of the Spirit and do as we wish, then watch it, we are about to fall.
If we continue to do that, then we grieve the Holy Spirit, and he will not continue to strife with us
For ever, gradually he is becoming quiet, and gradually he leaves.
And you may not even know when he leaves.

We cannot continue to grieve the Holy Spirit that seals us unto salvation. (Ephesians 1:13, Ephesians 4:30)
Unforgiveness is one's greatest enemy.
We may think we have a serious external enemy fighting against us, not knowing that unforgiveness is the enemy we have.
We may have prayed and prayed without any answer and then we begin to wonder.
The answer is you yourself, you are your own enemy.
Anyone who refuses to forgive, or find it difficult to forgive, the bible says " that person's prayer will not be answered ".
So before you stand to pray, make sure you have forgiven, make sure you have made peace.
" Father forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sinned against us".

 *Lack Of Faith*

The bible says, " if we have faith as small as a mustard seed, then we can command the mountain to be removed and it will be so.
The problem that most of us have is lack of Faith, we have not learnt how to exercise our faith in God.
We have not learnt how to exercise our authority as Christians.

*Ye shall decree a thing and it shall be established unto you*( Job 22:28)

Remember the story of the centurion and Jesus, whose servant was sick?
Can we see the kind of faith the man exercised?

 Some of us may have not been able  to heal or cast out demons because of lack of faith, not as if we don't have the Character of God in us, not as if we are not his Sons and daughters.. But lack of Faith.

This has to be fixed urgently, so that we can soar higher with God. God doesn't work without Faith.

4. *Lack Of Identifying The Call  and purpose Of God In Our Lives*

In other to soar higher without limitations, there is a need to identify what God has called us to do, so many people have been struggling because of this reason.

When we identity God's call in our lives, we key into it and work towards it, my brethren, we will go places, by the time we identity this and put it into action.
We are all given different gifts and we are unique in one way or the other.

Eg..David was able to identify his call as a little boy, he must have noticed that God must have called him for a special purpose.

When he killed the Lion, the Bear that came to attack his sheep.
The confirmation would have been when he was anointed as the next king of Israel, and then the opportunity came for him to kill Goliath, he didn't hesitate or slag, he knew that he had the anointing of God in his life, he immediately went ahead and made use of that opportunity.

That was the beginning of David's victory and his calling was made known for all to see.

Mordecai knew that there was something special about Esther, and he said, "perhaps you were born for such a time as this".

Esther fulfilled her Calling, and that's because she was able to identify it.

Some of us, are still confused, and yet to find it, and until we do, we won't attain that height that God has prepared for us.
 If for example, you are given the gift of teaching, and you are called upon to teach and you reject it, because of one reason or the other, how are you going to know that that's your call?

If you have never prayed for a sick person before, and you have been given the gift of healing, how are you going to find out?

It is only when we put them into action that we can  identify them.

*Confidence and Boldness*

Apart from identifying our calling, another thing is to be confident and bold.

If we are not confident and bold, then we would become Cowards, and no coward shall enter Into the kingdom of heaven.

Once we have identified our Calling, we are to work with boldness and authority, knowing that it is God who has placed us there and not man, and he would back us up, no matter the challenges we would face.

I think this is where many of the ministers have gotten it wrong, they have compromised in one way or the other, forgetting the call of God in their lives.

The Apostles.
The Apostles lacked the boldness to go out and preach the word of God, initially,  meanwhile they were given the mandate to go and make disciples of all men, to bring the gospel to the world.(Acts 1:8)
They were afraid, and locked themselves up.
Not until they received the Holy Spirit of promise they became bold and went ahead to fulfill their callings.

Even when they were threatened with death, they were asked to recant and denounce Jesus but they rather died than to deny him, or water down their gospel.

6. *Prayer less  lifestyle*.
This is a serious matter, and can lead to Spiritual death.

*Watch and pray so that you will not fall Into  temptation*.( Matthew 26:41)

The importance of prayer cannot be over emphasized in a believers life.

The moment that we find out that we have stopped praying then we should know that the devil is about to wage a serious war.

*men ought to pray and not faint*( Luke 18:1)

*Pray without ceasing*( 1 Thessalonians 5:16)

7.  *Lackadaisical attitude towards the word of God*

One of the most important of all.

*Study to show yourselves approved*( 2 Timothy 2:15)

Let's be like the bereans
The word of God is a lamp unto our feet, without it how can we see? ( we would be in darkness, because we wouldn't know the will of God to do it)

The word of God is food, that gives life.
This is what makes our spiritual life grow. It is food to the Spirit.
*For man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God*( Mark 4:4)

The word keeps the lamp burning.

So when we begin to see that we are losing interest in studying the word of God, then know that your Spiritual life is at stake.

And we need to go back, if not, spiritual death is the result.

 How do we treat these problems?👇🏼

1. Accept the fact that you are handicapped, and that you need help.
2. Identify where you have been amputated spiritually, identify the part of your body that is being cut off, and
go for healing ( to Jesus)

The Lord is able to heal to the uttermost.

*we have an Advocate, which is Christ who can forgive us our sins*..( 1 John 2:1-2)

He knows our Limitations, and he is even calling out to us to come to him so that he can heal us.

Many Christians are struggling today to get to the Spiritual level they want to, and our Lord Jesus is not happy about these limitations in our lives..he wants to help us out of them.

In Christ, we don't need to struggle for ever, we can't continue to remain in that Lukewarm state, in that mediocre condition .

When we come to Christ just like the lame man in Luke 5:18-20.
He will not only treat you but replace that part of the body entirely, and make us whole.

My prayer today is that every Spiritual part of our bodies that have been amputated, will be replaced in Jesus name, and we will begin to attain that height and position we ought to  attain, and begin to exercise the authority that the Lord has given us in Jesus mighty name. Amen!


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