Bible Text:

 "For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape" ( 1 Thessalonians 5:3)

This  same approach they used to unify the Churches, is what they using for other Religions too, they want to unite all religions together so that they can easily get the world to worship the dragon through the beast without much resistance.
They would pass a law that would be opposed to God's laws.

Those who will object to those laws, will be in minority and would be regarded as the enemy of the people.

The last I remembered, is that Christians are the light of the world, and ambassadors for Christ here on earth.

We're to shine our lights, so that through us others can also receive that light which is Jesus Christ our Lord.

But this is not happening, nobody is telling them about Jesus, rather we're saying that we want to be united under one God.
All roads leads to God

How can that be?

They boycott Jesus Christ, who is the Saviour of the world and go straight to God?
They claim that we all serve the same God, and can all go to God, through our different religions, it doesn't matter what we believe, as long as there is peace and unity/safety among all people.

John 3:16
"For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son(Jesus) that *whomsoever* BELIEVES in him shall not Perish, but have everlasting life".

So, without Christ no salvation.

*Our Salvation comes from Christ*

To say that one can enter into heaven without Christ is lie and there is no truth in that.

*Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved*.(Acts 4:12)

The Lord himself says *I AM the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to my Father  EXCEPT THROUGH ME*( John 14:6)

Even when some of the Pharisees refused to accept Jesus as their Messiah, he told them that they would die in their sins, for not believing in Him.
These were Jews, who believed that they are Abraham's children, and the promise of the Kingdom is for them.
Some of them still think that way today.

The Messiah they rejected is coming back again, and he is only coming back for those who accepted him and kept his Faith.

The remnants: Those who keep the Commandments of God and have the *Faith of Jesus*.

This is where the problem lies, *the Commandments and the Faith Of Jesus*( Revelation 12:17)

There is no way we can be united with other religions without that union affecting our Faith.
In the quest of peace and unity the world can do anything, even those who call themselves Christians can do anything just to maintain a good relationship with others.

Let's not forget, to be friends with the world is enmity with God. (James 4:4)

 *Unity with Islam*

From the second Vatican council
the Council Fathers recognized it as having a particular relationship with Christianity. The following passages taken from Nostra Aetate address Islam specifically:

Upon the Moslems, too, the Church looks with esteem. They adore one God, living and enduring, merciful and all-powerful, Maker of heaven and earth and Speaker to men. They strive to submit wholeheartedly even to His inscrutable decrees, just as did Abraham, with whom the Islamic faith is pleased to associate itself.

Though they do not *acknowledge Jesus as God*, they revere Him as a prophet. *They also honor Mary*, His virgin mother; *at times they call on her, too, with devotion*. In addition they await the day of judgment when God will give each man his due after raising him up.

"In an era when Islamophobia is on the rise, it seems especially important for Catholic Christians to know that in addition to sharing our belief in the one God, *Muslims also share a reverence for Mary*. While contrasting ideas about *Jesus have long been a dividing line between Christianity and Islam* (Christians call him the Son of God, while Muslims call him a prophet), *his mother Mary can more easily be seen as an interreligious bridge*".( Cardinal Blase J Cupich; How Mary can be a bride between Christians and Muslims)"The decision to rename an Abu Dhabi mosque in honour of Mary, Mother of Jesus is testimony to what unites Christians and Muslims".. a UAE minister of state for terance  has said

We can see how Jesus is  been gradually removed from the picture.
 This is the result of the second Vatican council.👆🏽

 In the quest for unity and peace, Pope Francis and the grand imam of Egypt signed a document on human fraternity on February 4 2019

More than 100 nationalities were represented among the 135,000 crowd, with about 4,000 Muslims in attendance, organisers said.

The Document states that we're all united under one God who created the heavens and the earth. But no sign of Jesus there.
And anyone who doesn't abide to that signed document would be regarded as someone who doesn't love peace;the troubler of the people.
The bible says that any one who denies that Jesus is the Son of God and that he is God in flesh, is an Anti Christ.

*a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son*( 1 John 2:22, 1 John 4:2, 2 John 1:17)

The basis for our faith (Christ) is been removed, and people cannot see this?

 In 2014, the Pope visited the blue mosque in Istanbul, Turkey.
There he prayed in the mosque.

 The major problem we have with the Muslims( according to them) is Jesus Christ.

  They don't believe that Jesus is the Son of God, they don't believe that he died for the sins of the world. So if only Jesus would be taken out of the picture then there would be peace and unity between them.

*A Common Word Between Us And You*

"A Common Word between Us and You" is a follow up to a shorter letter, sent in 2006, in response to Pope Benedict XVI's lecture at the University of Regensburg on 12 September 2006.

 It calls for peace between Muslims and Christians and tries to work for common ground and understanding between both religions, in line with the Qur'anic command:

 "Say: *OPeople of the Scripture! come to a common word as between us and you: that we worship none but God*" and the Biblical commandment to love God, and one's neighbour.

38 Islamic scholars, representing all branches of Islam, replied to Pope Benedict in "An Open Letter to the Pope", dated 13 October 2006. One year later, 138 Islamic personalities co-signed an open letter entitled "A Common Word between Us and You". The letter aimed to promote interfaith dialogue.[1]

*Where does this common word come from*?

From the Islamic book, Sura 3:64
"Say (to them, O Messenger): "O People of the Book, come to a word common between us and you, that we worship none but God, and associate none as partner with Him, and that none of us take others for Lords, apart from God." If they (still) turn away, then say: "Bear witness that we are Muslims (submitted to Him exclusively)."

So, their common word( agreement) for peace and unity between them is that they should accept that there is only one God, and that Jesus is not God, neither is he the son of God;and therefore should not be worshipped.

 Which they have already come Into an agreement with them; that is why they have signed those documents.

 *The three Abrahamic Religious places of worship built in Abu Dhabi*.

Abu Dhabi has unveiled plans for a three-in-one religious complex with a church, a mosque and a synagogue on one site.
The project was inspired by the Pope's historic visit earlier this year when Francis and a leading Sunni Muslim cleric signed a joint statement on 'human fraternity'.

*Unity Among Other Religions*

Last year November 2019,Pope Francis visited a Buddhist temple in Myanmar.
Pope Francis called on Catholics and Buddhists in Myanmar “to be united” in order “to heal the wounds of conflict that through the years have divided people of different cultures, ethnicities and religious convictions.” He reminded them that to achieve this unity it is necessary “to surmount all forms of misunderstanding, intolerance, prejudice and hatred.

In 2015, he also visited a Buddhist temple in Thailand.

He was honoured by their sacred rituals which involves the opening of a casket containing *relics of two important disciples of the Buddha*
The head monk of the temple said that allowing the pope to see the relics was the highest honour they could offer to the pope(he called him, his holiness)

Do we find anything familiar here?

*veneration of relics*
This is what the Catholics do too, so it is not a strange thing to them.

 *Meeting with the indigenous people of the Amazon's*

In October 2019, the Pope together with the bishops, together with indigenous people of Amazon came together in the Vatican
During the synod, the indigenous people brought a figurine called pachamama.

The Pachamama is a female fertility figure, representing *Mother Earth*, venerated by peoples in the Andes and portions of the Amazon. The pope even blessed one of the statues. At the ceremony, people were bowing down to the ground worshiping the statue. Additionally, the Pope prayed in front of the Pachamama statue at St. Peter's Cathedral on October 7 and then accompanied it in procession.

So many Catholics condemned this very action, some even called him the Antichrist and some called him the beast.

One question; what is the difference between the pachamama and the image of Mary, all are images right?

*What is the reason for all these interfaith dialogues*?

To bring in an era of peace, a *One World Religion, a New World Order* where people can have one mind, reason together and agree on one purpose.

For the dragon, the beast and the false prophet to succeed in passing the Sunday law, they must unite the world religions and world Governments together.

They must have one mind, in other to achieve their goal.

Revelation 17:13

*These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast*

Remember they have one agenda: to cause the world to *Worship the dragon through the beast*.

Revelation 13:4

*And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast*: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

 A renowned Satanists, wrote a book, exposing the agenda of the new world religion/new age/new world order.

THE STRATEGY:- THE 10 POINT CHARTER (As Laid out by Alice Bailey destroy christianity eg. God's Laws)

No 9 is
Alice Bailey wrote; *Promote other faiths to be at par with Christianity, and break this thing about Christianity as being the only way to heaven*, by that Christianity will be pulled down and other faiths promoted.

 Maitreya, the world teacher(aka false Christ)

His teachings👇🏼

"There is really *no contradiction between the different religions*. Religions have been trapped through words and slogans into vying with each other. *This competition will disappear and the essence will remain. Hindus, Christians, Muslims, Jews and Buddhists will all experience Oneness*.

*Those who cling to old forms will create division after division. But these forms will eventually disappear*. *This process is inevitable. Churches, mosques and temples will become meeting places*, as well as centres where those in need can be helped by others.

This is one of his objectives:

To unite the world together under a new world religion, where all roads can lead to God.

The Pope, in the other hand is fighting for the same thing.. To unite the whole world together under one religion.

How can this be a coincidence?

Ecumenical centers have been built all over the world to enact this, even here in Nigeria.

 These people are not sleeping.

Their agents are not sleeping too. Ever since Pope Francis stepped Into that office since 2013, he has achieved so much.

He is pushing for the UN to enact his encyclical..

And we know that what is written In those documents are against the  law of God and the faith of Jesus.

Christians we need to embrace the truth, come out of Babylon, and be separate from her.

There is no middle man in this end time battle, It is either you stand for truth or you join the devil's party.

It's either you're hot or cold; no room for lukewarmness. If these people have gone far like this, what are we Christians doing to expose their agenda?

What are we doing to prepare the church for what is coming ahead?

My brethren..

They're all one, working to achieve the same purpose.

 *Here calls for patient endurance on the part of the people of God who keep his commands and remain faithful to Jesus* ( Revelation 14:12)

The Dragon will be wroth with her, and would go to make war with her, because of her faith in Christ.

Soon, it will be a crime to preach that Christ is the only way to heaven.
Soon, it will be a crime to preach against gay marriage and abortion.
Soon, it will be a crime to keep the true Sabbath of God( Saturday)

This is the main thing my brethren, the true commandments of God and the Faith of Jesus.

Those who keep this👆🏽

 will be called fundamentalist.. It's already written In their documents.

They shall be persecuted for their Faith.

But the bible says "he that shall endure to the end, the same shall be saved( Matthew 24:13)

We need not fear, the Lord will see us through, only hold on to the faith and your reward will be great.

Let's brace up! brace up! for what is coming, put on the whole armour of God.

Flee Babylon before it is too late. (Revelation 18:3-4)

Everything is converging.

They're going to use Natural disasters, the environment( climate change)


Signs and wonders

Spiritism( reincarnation)

Entertainment  etc..
To achieve their aim..

Let's watch out for these and many more.


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