By Loveth Nwokeohuru 

On the 15th/16th Of January as I was praying the Lord told me to warn people about Cryptocurrency not only the Sunday that is coming or mark of the beast.

I see a connection between the two.
This Cryptocurrency will be used in the future by the beast system..we are to be careful not to be entangled in the beast system.

The bible says "no one will be able to buy or sell saves he that has the mark of the beast"

Buying and selling is clearly talking about the economy..so, there would be an attempt to set up a One World Economy (a suitable means of buying and selling that would help the beast system achieve their aim)

This is an article I found about this cryptocurrency.

Please take it to God in prayers..


An excerpt from the article above πŸ–•

"In the “Imagine 2030” report, Deutsche Bank suggests that digital currencycould eventually replace cash one day, as demand for anonymity and a more decentralized means of payment grows. ... In this report the bank says thatcryptocurrencies are currently just additions to the current money payment system".

This is a message that someone who deals with cryptocurrency sent to meπŸ‘‡

saw something today that shows how much the papacy is preparing.
They're are preparing for a one world currency ...

They organized a competition among leading companies in the world for a blue print or model of a money system that everyone can use
A company won the contest ... Their entry was a debit card that combines both traditional( normal money) with crypto currency

The debit card will be out latest by 1st week of January and there's excitement among crypto enthusiasts because of it's immense potentials.

Coincidentally, I belong to a community of worldwide crypto investors called "EclipCity" .

They'll issue the world first debit card - that combines conventional money n crypto currency in one card.

The companies do not know the the sinister plan of the papacy... The idea is to bring banking services within the reach of many and create an opportunity for wealth for many ordinary folks

Revelation 13:17
"And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name".


  1. Cryptos coupled with a debit card is nothing new. Xapo for example made one back in 2013.

    1. Thank you for commenting Tony, I appreciate.
      It's nothing new...but all these are being set up for the NWO.


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