Greetings brothers and Sisters,  may the peace of God be with us all in the name of Christ our Lord.

Today, I want to share a dream I had on the 29 of October 2021.

When I first had this dream the interpretation was not that clear, but after some days it became very clear that this was a warning from God.

These warnings are coming as a result of the time of trials and tribulations that are before the chosen children of God; "those who keep his commandments and have the faith of Jesus Christ". 

Dream October 2021

I saw that we were in the Church, we came for a conference chior rehearsals.

I saw a song that was written on the board,  one of our choir members had written it, i noticed some errors in her spellings,  so I was like who wrote this song? our music director told me who wrote the song, I was like "I cannot believe that Sister.......cannot spell this word correctly,  I thought she was learned,  how come she couldn't spell this simple word"?

When I asked after her from the director,  the director said that she had left the Church,  that she could no longer bear the suffering, he said the sister asked him this question: "if I continue to remain and keep the Sabbath are you going to feed me and my children"?

She left to a Sunday Church were she could be taken care of, at least, she would be given money to take care of herself and her children.

She said she could not continue to keep the Sabbath, that the suffering was too much so she decided to start keeping Sunday.


A Sister, (woman) represents the church, or some members of the body of Christ, those who keep the commandments of God including the Sabbath. 

I believe this dream doesn't refer to those who don't keep God's commandments,  but those who claim to keep his commandments and have the faith of Christ. 

I believe this dream refers to the body of Christ who have found this Sabbath truth and a professed Sabbath keepers(The Seventh Day Sabbath) 

1. I saw that some of the words she wrote on the board weren't correct, and these words were very cheap words, that I couldn't believe she wouldn't get the correct spelling,  words like "who", "whose","those". These are just examples,  I am just trying to describe how easy they were but yet, she spelt them wrongly..., I understand this to mean that some persons even though they're in the Church,  but they have not been thoroughly grounded in the word of God. They are not yet converted, they have not built their house on the solid rock, so any little wind that comes will blow them off, they're carried away by every wind of doctrines that come their ways.

These men and women though, they study the word, they hear the pastors preach  they even go out to preach themselves,  but weren't sanctified by the truth which is the word of God. (John 17:17) because they understood it not.

They're in the church because of what they will gain from God, and so not understand the message of dying daily to self, even though they're in the church, yet they feed the flesh and allow the flesh to grow so fat that it suppresses the Spirit; such persons are like the 5 foolish virgins who carried their lamps, but had no oil.

Lamp without oil is a waste, likewise  the word of God without the Holy Spirit. 

2.  She left the Church because of food and drink.

This means that a time would come when so many people would abandon their Faith because of food, houses, lands, children etc....

God doesn't force anyone to worship him, he only gives us free will to choose weather we will worship him or not.

You never can tell who would remain with God until persecution or trials comes...

Peter once told the Lord Jesus Christ that he wouldn't deny him, but what happened? He denied him 3 times, and that was he wasn't yet converted,  but after he became converted what happened? He became bold and was ready to die for Christ.

And that is why God is allowing these Tests and Trials to come in order to purify you, some of the tests and tribulations we face or have passed through in life is a preparation  and anyone you come out from,  you are being purified.

But what if you failed the test?

If it was revealed to you that you have failed some certain Test in your life, that's not the end for you, go back and ask for mercy from God, ask for the grace and the baptism of the Holy Spirit to enable you face the trials of life. There is but only one TEST , which is THE FINAL TEST, when you fail this TEST, sorry , no room for a make up...

This is the Test of the mark of the beast; because anyone who WORSHIPS the BEAST and receives his mark shall drink from the wine of wrath of God (Revelation 14:10)

Please read the message on THE FINAL TEST on this blog, so you can understand better.



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