The New World Order Is Here. Major Food Crisis Is Coming. Come Out Of Babylon

Here is an article of an aircraft crashing into a food factory in the US.
They have been dozens of fire outbreaks in food factories in the USA. This would only lead to a serious food crises in America and around the globe.
With the Russian and Ukrainian war raging one could only imagine food prices and other essential commodities going hay wire.

●As we already know, Rusia is the 3rd largest oil producer in the world.
●Ist largest producer of wheat.
●Ukraine is the 6th largest producer of wheat in the world.
● Ist largest producer of sunflower oil in the world.
Ukraine is known for their agricultural produce.

We have seen in our previous studies that the globalists use the motto "Order Out Of Chaos" to achieve their aim.
They bring about their New World Order through Chaos.
🎯How do they do this?
They create a chaos, and they they profer a solution to that chaos.
🎯 They work on an already existing chaos to bring about their Order.

From Matthew 24:6-7 we mentioned some of the events or things that these globalists would use to achieve their goal.
They are:
1. Famine
2. Earthquakes,(Natural disasters or what they call Cliamate Change now)
3. Wars and rumors of wars.
4. Pestilences etc...

If you watch carefully these things are already upon us, we have been suffering from the Coronavirus plague, Wars, Climate change, and now we have a serious war stirring at our faces.

The world is clamouring for peace and safety, but in other for this to happen, a New World Order, must be implemented according to them. (The globalist)

🎯A New Economic System
The old system of money/economy has to give way to the New System of CASHLESS and DIGITAL ECONOMY.
A system where all your financial transactions would be monitored and even checked.

●World Government Forum held at Dubai in late March 2022

Here is an excerpt from this article 👇

" *The Global Crypto Forum will focus on boosting global efforts to adopt digital currencies alongside an ecosystem for its use, both regionally and globally* ".

Full article


●People would suffer from hunger, many parents would not be able to stand their children dying of hunger.
Many families cannot watch themselves becoming homeless, because you will e driven out of your house.
Many will not be able to access healthcare
Because of all these infringements on their human rights, those who have not died to self: who have not learnt how to sacrifice all to God would give in to the NWO and accept the mark of the beast.

●Food As A Bait.
We have read stories of how people sold their birth rights and even themselves in order to survive hunger.
1. Essau sold his birth right to Jacob his younger brother because of a plate of poridge.
2. The Egyptians sold their properties, gave all their monies to Joseph because of food, and when that failed, they sold themselves for food.

The Government, would be running every affair. You will be stripped off of your possessions and rights.

●What made people to take the vaccine?
They want to retain their jobs and their freedoms.
They want to be able to travel to wherever they wanted, fo to wherever they wanted without restrictions...retain their jobs, and not be stigmatized by the world.
A time came when it was like those who have not taken the vaccines are the cause of the new variants of the virus.
They were been accused of not loving humanity. This is exactly what is going to happen again when it comes to the mark of the beast. Revelation 13:17-18
Thesame reason people took the vaccine is thesame reason they would also receive the mark.

🎯No more freedom of worship.
You will be forced into an ecumenical system of worship that elevates the beast system of worship(papal system) and the devil.
The bible says that Satan gave his seat and authority to the beast; so, if you worship the beast who are you worshipping indirectly? Satan. Revelation 13:3-4

🎯" *Welcome To 2030, Own Nothing And Be Happy* "

In the World Economic Forum held in the year 2016 the Danish MP wrote an article in regards to this meeting.

It was said that by 2030 technology must have grown past this stage, and human beings would not see the need to own anything, because everything would be very affordable and would be provided by the Government.
No need to own a car, because you can always use a bus or a driverless AI car, that is at your bec and call. The world would be a totally different place.

● *No Privacy In Their New World* (people will be monitored with AI/Technology)

Here is an excerpt from the article 👇

" *Once in a while I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy. Nowhere I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded. I just hope that nobody will use it against me* "

● *The Biggest Concern Of The Globalists In Their NWO are those who Would Leave The Cities*

But she mentioned something that caugt my attention, here is an excerpt of the statement.👇

" *My biggest concern is all the people who do not live in our city. Those we lost on the way. Those who decided that it became too much, all this technology. Those who felt obsolete and useless when robots and AI took over big parts of our jobs. Those who got upset with the political system and turned against it. They live different kind of lives outside of the city. Some have formed little self-supplying communities. Others just stayed in the empty and abandoned houses in small 19th century villages* "

Full aricle👇

Can we call this a coincidence?
This cannot be a coincidence, she was spot on.
Many of God's Remnants would leave Babylon, both Spirituallyand Physically. They will leave the cities and go to a secluded area.

This is what the Lord has been showing me for some years now: about leaving the cities...
Having our own farm land, where we grow our own crops, because, soon, no man can buy or sell, saves he that has the mark, number or his name.

You can see they don't hide these things anymore...
Today, God is calling us to come out of Babylon, physically and Spiritually, so that we can escape what is about to happen.
Revelation 18:1-4

This also calls for dead to self.


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