*Bible Text* : *Matthew 11:12 Luke 16:16*

*Matthew 11:12-13*

 "And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force"*.13  For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John*.

Taking the Kingdom by force refers to those who make a concerted effort to enter the kingdom in spite of violent opposition. This opposition comes in many forms including our carnal mind, which is enmity against God and the lust of our own human flesh, the handwriting written against us, satan's accusations, depression, lack of faith etc... Many believe that the violence referred to here, means praying and shaking your head violently for the kingdom of darkness to release your blessings,  or engaging in a serious spiritual warfare with the kingdom of darkness,  but that is out of the context.

The violence here refers to the nature of the kingdom of God and the shift from LAW TO the era of GRACE, which Jesus Christ represents and John the Baptist His forerunner. We can also find a similar text in Luke 16:16.The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom o would hear the word of God and eagerly accept it and are determined to enter into the kingdom,  even if it means losing all they have to get it.

1) When Jesus told a 'gentile' woman who needed healing for her child that He cannot give the children's bread to the dog....(Matt 15:26)...He was actually saying....Supernatural Healing is not meant for a 'non-Jew' as at that time because He hadn't died yet! But this woman was not an Israelite and she wanted Jesus to perform a miracle on her child! She was persistent.

This was why when Jesus healed her daughter, He said to her: "Your faith has made you whole".

•••Another example was that under the Law, it is a 'SIN' for a woman with the 'issue of blood' to come into the midst of people! (Lev 15:25-27)

But the Bible says when the woman with the issue of blood 'heard of Jesus'....she PRESSED INTO THE CROWD......and touched the helm of Jesus' garment! (Mark 5:27)

This woman was healed, her faith made her whole. Under grace *Faith and determination is key!* Once you're determined, that is when God comes in to give a helping hand.

 *Only those who are determined to enter into the kingdom of God would enter in* Are You Determined?

1. Determination

The first step to get into heaven is determination. Likewise, in whatever you do, if you are not determined you won't succeed.

1. The quality of being determined; *firmness of purpose*. *"those who succeed, succeed  because of sheer grit and determination"*

Similar words: *resolution, resolve, will power, sense of purpose, decision, perseverance, persistence.

Opposite: *weak-mindedness*

2. *the process of establishing something exactly by calculation or research*.

Your dreams, ambitions(what you want to be in future) the kind of house you would love to live in, the kind of car you would want to drive in future.....all these can be achieved when you are determined,  when you intentionally pursue it.

●I know of someone who wanted to be a civil engineer,  but each time he writes  Jamb and post ume , he would be given another course, this happened for like 4 times, he didn't give up, until he got admission the 5th  time, now he is in Germany a manager in a construction company.

 ●Thomas Alva Edison was an American inventor and businessman. He developed many devices in fields such as electric power generation, mass communication, sound recording, electric bulb etc..

●Thomas Edison when trying to invent an electric bulb failed 1000 times,  when asked by a reporter how it felt to have failed 1000 times, this was his reply:

 *"I didn't fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps"*

 ● What about our own Buhari?( President of Nigeria) How many times did he try to become president?

Determination is: This is what I want, and I will try by all means to get it. Trying means using all your resources,  talents, time and  gifts etc.. to get it.

● How many of us want to make it to heaven?

If you have not dreamt about heaven, envisioned heaven, imagined how you would eat from that tree that bears 12 different fruits every season, how you are going to ride on the back of a Lion etc. ..then you have not started.  ● Have you heard about that statement "If you can dream it, you can do it".?

Thomas Edison in one of his quotes said this: *"In Invention you need Imagination"*

I have met some persons who said "this heaven, we go surprise, anyhow anyhow, we go enter this heaven o".... This is a statement of someone who lacks purpose,  someone who is not determined, heaven is not a place you enter by mistake,  you must imagine and dream about it, you must *Work out your salvation with fear and trembling* (Philipians 2:12)

 ●Under Determination we have:

a. Total submission (Faith) relying 100%  on the Holy Spirit leading, no one can make it without him.....because you're determined you would follow wherever he leads you.(144 000, follow the Lamb wherever He goes, Revelation 14:4)

Can we say that Abraham was determined?

*** He was willing to Sacrifice of his only son to God

*** Daniel was determined, even when he was about to be thrown into the Lion's den he didn't give up. 

***"Daniel purposed in his heart that he will not defile himself with the kings meat*(Daniel 1:8)

*** Job was determined, even after losing all, he said *"I know my Reedemer liveth"*

In total Submission to God God they proved their loyalty. 

● I will do your will even if it means dying I will die for you because you died for me first.

 ● *b. Radicalism*.

As a Christian in other to be determined or to make heaven you must be a radical. (in a positive sense)

"From the days of John the Baptist,  the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and only the violent ones shall take it by force"."I see the least that the devil can do, is to see that the righteous fall down"(Song)

*For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again*(Proverbs 24:16)

● Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers them from them all.(psalms 34:17)

Radicalism means not giving in, I will not fall, but even if I fall, I shall rise again;by his grace

***Radicalism is hope!

*** Satan usually fails in the lives of radical Christians.

 ●My brethren,  do not think that all hope is lost when you fall into sin, don't listen to that voice that says,  "you are wasting your time, the Lord will not answer you".

"Don't listen to that voice that says you're the worst sinner and God cannot answer you.

  *** *Remind the devil that the Lord came to save the lost house of Israel* (Luke 19:10)

  *** *remind him that he is aware of what we're passing through and understands our weaknesses and is ready to lift us up if we are willing*. (Hebrews 4:15)

*** *remind him that even  the Lord says, "though your sins be as red as crimson they shall be made as white as snow*"( Isaiah 1:18)

*** *remind him that it is the Lord's desire for none to perish in sin, but for all to come to him*.(2 Peter 3:9) I can go on and on....please write these promises of God down.

●my brethren, don't think that all hope is lost, when you are passing through that crucibles of life.

●Don't listen to that evil voice that says, ", "the Lord has forsaken you", don't listen to that voice that says, the Lord will not deliver you.

*** *remind him that the Lord says,  "even though a mother forsakes her suckling child,  that he will not forsake you" * (Isaiah 49:15)

*** *Remind him that the Lord says "He has engraved your name on the palm of his hand, that he may remember you always" * ( Isaiah 49:16)

*** *remind him that the Lord who keeps Israel doesn't sleep nor slumber* (Psalms 121:1)

*** *remind him that the Lord says, "many are the afflictions of the righteous,  blithe Lord delivers them from them all" * (Psalms 32:17)

*** *please remind him that you're not serving God because of all the benefits(good health, healing, provision, children, protection,  houses and lands) but because he is your creator and He is your Lord and Saviour, he has given you salvation and eternal life,  what more can you ask for?*.

*** *remind him that "though worms destroy your body, you will live again, in this flesh you shall rise again to see your redeemer"* (Job 19:26).

*** *Tell him that you know your God is able to save you,  but if he chooses not to, that you will still serve him*.( Daniel 3:18)

*This is what I call RADICALISM!!*

● *Finally my brethen, we cannot do these things without the Holy Spirit* . 

The  Holy Spirit is what gives us power to overcome sin and temptation,  to pass through afflictions and come out without falling, and even when you fall, you don't give up. It is Him who helps us to be determined that we must make it.  *Matthew 7:7  Ask and it shall be given,  seek and ye shall find"* "Luke 11:13 Ask for the Holy Spirit and it shall be given to you".

 So, my brethren,  we have seen that the Holy Spirit is actually the force that drives us,without him we can do nothing. if you lack that will power to make it, if you're always giving up in times of afflictions, if you can't overcome sin, then, pray this prayer earnestly and ask God to baptize you with the Holy Spirit. 

It doesn't stop there, make sure you retain the Holy Spirit in your life, by constantly studying and meditating on the word of God, pray always and you would  see great changes In your life.

 *Prayer* Our Father in heaven we thank you for the gift of salvation,  we thank you because you know all our struggles, you see how we want to make it to eternal life, but we continue to fall back.Father, according to your word, you said you would send us a comforter, you said anyone who wants the Holy Spirit should ask, and he shall be granted unto that person.

Lord Jesus Christ,  may you pour out  your Holy Spirit upon us so that we can stand for you at all times in Jesus Christ mighty name. Amen.


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