The Trumpets Are Sounding

 September 2023

Given to Sister Loveth Nwokeohuru

Greetings my brethren, I am so grateful to God for the opportunity to share this message. 

It was the first week of September when I just come back from the hospital, I had a dream where someone was explaining the Trumpets to me in the book of Revelation.

These were the physical signs that I was told:

1. Rivers turning into blood

2. Wildfires

And as the person wanted to mention other signs, the cry of my child woke me up.
A few days later, I saw a video that popped up on my phone that said: "Rivers Are Turning Red All Over The World". I was shocked, I knew that it was a confirmation of the dream I had about the Trumpets.

The Seven Trumpets In The Book Of Revelation:

Revelation 8:2-6

And I saw the seven angels which stood before God, and to them were given seven trumpets.

3 And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne.

4 And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended before God out of the angel's hand.

5 And the angel took the censer, and filled it with the fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightning, and an earthquake.

6 And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound.

Let me do a brief explanation of these verses before I proceed.

The Seven Trumpets are events of what happened from the time of the early church to the end. The book of Revelation is full of symbolism, and these events are symbolic, but can also be literal.

The Timing Of The Trumpets(Revelation 8:3-5)

If you notice, an Angel was before the altar of incense in heaven, what does that mean? We will get a clue from the earthly sanctuary. Remember, God directed Moses to build the earthly temple according to the design of the heavenly temple that was shown to him. (Hebrew 8:2-5)The earthly temple is the replica or carbon copy of the heavenly sanctuary, meaning, what we see in the earthly sanctuary is also seen in the heavenly sanctuary.

The Earthly Sanctuary: The Earthly Sanctuary had three compartments:

1. The Outer court:

There were only two Items found in the outer court.

●The Alter Of Burnt Offering and the Laver

The altar of burnt offerings where animals were sacrificed (Exodus 27:1–8).  represents the cross of Christ. The animal represents Jesus, the ultimate sacrifice (John 1:29).

●The laver. (Exodus 30:17–21; 38:8). The water represents cleansing from sin and the new birth (Titus 3:5).

2. The Holy Place/Inner Court. There were three items in this compartment.

●The table of shewbread (Exodus 25:23–30) represents Jesus, the bread of life.

●The seven lampstand represents Jesus, the light of the world (John 9:5; 1:9). The oil represents the Holy Spirit (Zechariah 4:1–6; Revelation 4:5).

●The Altar Of Incense  (Exodus 30:7, 8) represents the prayers of God’s people (Revelation 5:8).

3. The Most Holy Place. Only one item was in this compartment.

●The Ark of the Covenant, the only piece of furniture in the Most Holy Place (Exodus 25:10–22) symbolises God’s throne in heaven, which is likewise located between two angels (Psalm 80:1).

Inside the Ark Of Covenant were the  Ten Commandments, which God wrote on tables of stone, and which His people will always obey (Revelation 14:12),  (Deuteronomy 10:4, 5). But the mercy seat was above them, which signifies that as long as God’s people confessed and forsook sin (Proverbs 28:13), mercy would be extended to them through the blood that was sprinkled on the mercy seat by the priest (Leviticus 16:15, 16). 

Our interest would be in the Holy Place where the Alter of Incense is mentioned. I believe God left this clue in other to show us the timing of these events(the seven Trumpets) 

The Angels were seen in the Alter of incense which tells us that probation was still ongoing, prayers and supplications were still ongoing by the saints....there is still room for repentance.

Let us go back to the earthly temple to understand better. The Priest was to enter the Holy place every day to intercede for the people, burning incense and tending the lamps which were also done by the priest every morning and evening.  In the Most Holy Place, it was only the High Priest who entered there once a year, for atonement. Before the commencement of the atonement, a trumpet is sounded, to prepare people for atonement. They are to afflict themselves and repent from all their sins, while the High Priest goes into the Most Holy place to make atonement for them.

Anyone who does not afflict himself and repent from their sins will be cut off, as soon as the High Priest steps out of the holiest place.
This is significant because right now probation has not ended yet...saints are still making supplications and asking for forgiveness of sins...that is what is symbolized as incense rising to the throne of God.
But a time will come when the High Priest shall go into the Most Holy place to make the final atonement for His people...(Jesus Christ the New Covenant High Priest ) just as the Old Testament High Priest went in once and when he comes out, people's fates would have been decided, so is our great High priest in the holiest place now, interceding on our behalves...he is pouring his blood on the mercy seat which is on top of the ark of the covenant that carries the 10 commandments.
1 Timothy 2:5 says He is the only mediator between God and man. If not for the blood of Christ, God's wrath would have devoured the earth....but this grace we enjoy today, will not last forever. There is time for everything,  a day is coming when the High Priest will leave the most holy place in heaven, and then everyone's destiny will have been sealed, probation closed, and no more grace. Then you would hear..."IT IS DONE"! (Revelation 16:17)
"Then He that is righteous will remain righteous still, he that is unrighteous will remain unrighteous". (Revelation 2:11)
When this happens, the four winds would be released, and there would be a great time of trouble such has never been seen before.

Revelation 8:4-5
In these verses...the Angel was seen throwing down to the earth incense mixed with fire, this signifies the judgments of God, but these are not the final judgments, these are judgments to warn us to repent.
In chapters is said that the inhabitants of the earth refused to repent and turn to God for forgiveness even after experiencing all the sufferings from the plagues.

What Happens When The Seventh Trumpet Sounds?
Revelation 11:19 The Temple of God was opened and the Ark of Covenant was seen in the temple.
Notice a quick shift, at the beginning, when the Angel started sounding, he was seen in the Alter of incense which is in the Holy place, but when he started sounding the seventh trumpet, the temple was opened and the Ark of the Covenant was seen....the Ark of the covenant is in the Most Holy place. After that came the seven last plagues. The last plagues fell upon only those with the mark of the beast(Rev 16:1-2) this means that probation would close before the seven last plagues started falling.

Remember, we have seen how the earthly priest moved from the Holy place to the holiest place signifying the day of atonement. Brethren, we are currently living in the days of atonement... This is the time to make our way right before God. The only k by the seventh trumpet. This is the WRATH of God that is without mercy.

The Signs Are Too Obvious
The signs that we are nearing the time of the seven last plagues are everywhere. Only this year, the U S has said that 2023 is the year that natural disasters cost them more than :)
other years

NOAA: 2023 worst year on record for billion-dollar disasters
Among the billion-dollar disasters confirmed this month was Hawai'i's catastrophic wildfires, which have killed at least 115 people.

Here, are some of the events happening around the world that prove that we are indeed living in the days of the Warning Trumpets...

Water Bodies Turning Blood Red.
In recent years, several news reports of water turning a blood-red colour have appeared. A canal in Nootdorp, the Netherlands; Bondi Beach in Australia; the Beirut River in Lebanon; a river in Zhejiang Province, China; rainfall in Sewanagala, Sri Lanka, Peru, Russia, Turkey, Japan—all reported blood-red by reliable news outlets.

Saint Mary River turned red in Jamaica. In 2019, The Outram River in St Mary is now blood red, stagnant, smelly and is a breeding site for mosquitoes.

The National Environment and Planning Agency said that the mouth of the river was blocked off from the sea and that there was very little flow of water.

With all these happening around the world, some scientists have come out to say that the events are not mysterious, rather they blamed it on algae growth in the rivers or chemical spills from companies.

This was the exact dream I had some years ago when we saw some things in the sky, people were afraid, they wanted to know if they were signs of Christ's coming, but the scientist told them not to worry, that it was just a natural phenomenon. We the preachers told them that it wasn't just a natural phenomenon it was a sign that Jesus Christ was coming soon, and they should repent from their sins. They refused to believe us, because of what the scientists have said.
They call these things climate change, but the bible says that they are signs for us to know when his coming is near.

Wildfires in the US, Canada, and Australia....thousands have been displaced...many trees and grasses have been burnt up over the years.

Earthquakes, flooding And Landslides
Thursday, August 31, 2023 – At about 1 a.m., a five-story building in Johannesburg that houses more than 400 residents caught fire, killing 74 people  The amount of rain that fell in Hong Kong in a single hour on Thursday night was 158.1 mm, the most since records began being kept in 1884
Thursday, September 14, 2023 – Senior politicians have asked Libya's attorney general to launch an urgent investigation into the catastrophic floods that have killed at least 20, 000 people.

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes shook the Muslim nation of Afghanistan on Sabbath morning, October 7, 2023. At least seven violent aftershocks followed, decimating villages and homes in the earthquake-prone northwest. According to local officials, the death toll has risen to at least 2,445 people, with thousands more injured.

On September 8, a deadly earthquake occurred in Morocco. It is the deadliest earthquake in Morocco in over 60 years. Nearly 3000 deaths were recorded.

Beijing experienced its heaviest rainfall in 140 years. The rain exceeded 60% of a typical year’s rain in just 83 hours.

On 31 August 2023 at around 01:30 SAST, a fire engulfed an illegally occupied, abandoned, government-owned building in Johannesburg, South Africa; 77 people were killed and 88 others were injured. It was one of the deadliest fires in South African history.

Wars And Rumors Of Wars
On the 7th of October, the Hamas terrorist group started a war in Israel that has cost the lives of over 5,000 people. Meanwhile,  Meanwhile,  Afghanistan,  Syria,  Sudan, Ukraine, Venezuela, Ethiopia, some parts of Nigeria, and Yemen...all are passing through humanitarian crises due to war...

Most of the events mentioned here are the ones I could lay my hands on...many are not recorded in this message. Notice that most of them occurred just within the last 3 months between August- October 2023.
I didn't even start in January,  don't forget the deadly earthquake in February 2023 that claimed the lives of many in Turkey and Syria...over 50,000 people were killed.

Insects Attack
Locust invasion in Afghanistan
"They eat everything green: wheat, peas, sesame,” said Baz Mohammad, the representative of Kandali village. ( Aljazeera)

Bed bug infestation in some parts of Europe(Paris)

These signs are increasing day by day, telling us that we are almost close. Please, my brethren, don't take these messages for granted.

Matthew 24:6-7
And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.


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