Given to Sister Loveth Nwokeohuru 

Greetings my brethen.

I had this dream on the 20th of July 2024.

I saw myself in a market, and then I saw many young boys, very young like about 15-22 years old.

These boys were very lawless, they had gone into Cyber Crime/fraud what we call yahoo here in Nigeria. They had too much money to throw about, they went about harassing and intimidating people, they had lost every respect for the elderly people, and no one could talk to them.

Again,  I saw that people were so carried away with material things: buying and selling, arguing, quarrelling, etc ... 

When I saw all these things I decided to talk to the boys since everyone is afraid to talk to them to change their lifestyles, that what they were doing is wrong, immediately I said that, they became very furious,  like "how dare you talk to us" and they started to chase me to beat me up, As I was running i was quoting the bible saying: " Is it because i tell you the truth that you hate me and wants to harm me"? I ran into the market and I saw what was happening there, no one was even thinking about the kingdom of God or making preparations for the soon comingof Christ, they were busy with buying and selling, quarrelling,  discussing etc.

when I saw the whole thing I started to preach to everyone, I told them about God's kingdom that is coming and how they're to prepare for it, as I was talking, the boys were still coming after me, those buying and selling where still doing what they were doing, those arguing were still arguing,  none listened to me, I became very angry and immediately the Holy Spirit came upon me and I shouted these exact words: "Behold God's Kingdom Coming" while pointing to the sky and everyone just looked up and the heavens opened up  and I saw the Golden City descending with speed. At this moment, fear gripped the whole people,  and those who were chasing me, those buying and selling, quarrelling,  gisting, etc...abandoned all their goods and fled. As they were running, they were shouting "Lord have mercy on us."

I myself was shocked when I saw the city coming down with such speed. When I said those words, I didn't know that anything would happen,  because i wasn't expecting anything to happen,  I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to say it and i said it and boom! The Lord honoured it, because i was led by the Spirit. I asked the Lord, this people are beginning to ask for mercy and forgiveness, is there still room for repentance or is it too late since the Kingdom is coming down already? He answered and said no, probation has not closed and that there is still room for repentance but the time is very very short!

He explained to me that why I saw the kingdom coming down with such speed is because indeed the kingdom of God is fast approaching and that these are precious opportunities for people to turn away from their sins, because very soon it will be over and too late for anyone to repent. We are living in the final days and these warnings may be the final warnings. 

When that happened I noticed that I started running with great speed, as if they were wheel bearings  attached to my feet. As I was running I i was preaching the gospel to everyone, telling them that God's kingdom is coming and they should repent because there is no more time.I saw myself running in front of cars coming before me, instead of me to give way for the vehicles to pass, they were the ones giving way for me to pass.

I had supernatural powers in that dream, nothing could stop me from spreading the message of the kingdom of God. It was a  wonderful experience. 


Here are the of the symbolic meanings of some 

Things captured in the dream.

1. The market = The market symbolizes this world: a place were is not your home, a place you come to buy and sell and leave. It's not a place to be distracted by the activities or people therein.  As it was seen in the dream, the people had become so worldly that they forgot to prepare for the main home which was fast approaching (Kingdom of God)

2. Very young boys into fraud= This signifies what the bible talks about being lawless in the time of the end and men being haters of truth.

3. The young boys chasing me to beat me up or harm me= This, symbolizes the persecution God's children will pass through saying the truth and preaching the gospel in these last days...brace up and ask God for grace and endurance.

4.  The Golden city: This represents the New Jerusalem that God has prepared for his children who obey him and walk in the Spirit. 

5. Me running so fast like a car: This symbolizes spiritual speed and strength at which God's people would preach the gospel. 

It shows that time is running out and God's children will be given the power to spread the gospel with urgency. 

 6. Kingdom of heaven coming down with speed at rhe mention of it: It shows that in these last days, anyone who is willing to do God's work God will use that person tremendously to perform miracles, signs and wonders that would make people believe. 

We read the story of Phillip  and the Ethiopian Enuch,  how Philip was transported to the Enuch's location and how he got him baptised. 

7. The Cars couldn't stop me, rather they gave way= This shows how God's children will be unstoppable when they have received the power of the Holy Spirit in full measure. Nothing can stop them.


Have I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth? (Galatians 4:16)

And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalemcoming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. (Revelation 21:2)

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall runand not be wearyand they shall walk, and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31)

1 Chronicles 29:15 We are foreigners and strangers in your sight, as were all our ancestors. Our days on earth are like a shadow, without hope.
These all died in faith, not having received the things promised, but having seen them and greeted them from afar, and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth. Hebrews 11:13
Acts 8:39
And when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord carried Philip away, and the eunuch saw him no more, and went on his way rejoicing


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