What You Need To Know Before Going To Your Hiding Place.

 By Sister Loveth Nwokeohuru. 

6th March 2022

I saw in the dream that the Antichrist Government had taken over, and there was chaos, pandemonium, people were running helter skelter,  many trying to flee the cities, but it was already late to leave the cities.

After that scene, immediately I saw another scene where some persons had already left the cities, theybwere in their hiding place, it was like a  cave.

In that cave they had light, water supply, they had stored enough foods,  but they made a mistake: they went into hiding with their phones.

I saw them doing video with this phone and sending it on social media..it's like they were teaching people how to cope in the hiding place, what to expect, etc...

Unfortunately,  this video landed in the wrong hands, it landed in the hands of the evil authority who wanted to annihilate the true Christians.

I saw that they were able to trace the phone that sent that video , they were being tracked and traced through the video.

They were about sending their soldiers to go and look for them before I woke up.


●Please don't go the hideout with your phones

● Don't video the place you intend to run to and send on social media, or to anybody.

● Don't tell anyone where you're going, except you trust the person enough  and you're going together. 

● The Lord has warned me to throw my phone in the city because foing into the secluded area , because these technologies would be used to track us.

May God help us to run this race to the end, even as we heed His words in Jesus Christ mighty name.  Amen. 


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